Re: [Stick Drift on a brand new controller only in AC Valhalla](/topic/80489/stick-drift-on-a-brand-new-controller-only-in-ac-valhalla)
As the title of my topic suggest, I am unable to start a game, open the options menu, etc, much less play the game. I have tried un-plugging and plugging back in. I've tried using only mouse and keyboard, and it still thinks a gamepad is connected. I've tried deleting the ini file and letting the game create a new one. I've tried multiple different controllers: and xbox series x controller, my amazon luna controller, a wired generic switch controller, and nothing works. I am able to press "a" to continue and the main menu loads up but then the cursor for the controller moves all the way to the right, top corner and I am unable to move it at all from that position. Even unplugging the controller or disconnecting it by bluetooth or both doesn't automatically switch to mouse/keyboard. I am literally unable to do anything in the game at all. I've also tried uninstalling and re-installing and nothing.