Original Post — Direct link

I purchased the large material chest and the expanded / detailed map with helix tokens . I got the map but not the resources. My resources remain the same as prior to buying the chest. Any help ? This was my first ever purchase . Done on ps5

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

Hi @apollo1968_98 apologies for the late response.

I'm sorry to hear that you did not receive your materials pack. We would be unable to assist you with this issue via the forum.

I tried to create a support case for you, however I can see that no games have been played on the account you have used to post on the forum with, therefore could you please contact support on one of the following support channels with the account you play the game on:

Support Ticket
Live Chat

As we would be unable to assist you further with this issue via the forum I will now lock this thread.