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Ps5 Disc Version.

Downloaded, updated, and restarted as per usual. Upon restart my console wouldn’t turn back on! 15 minutes later after several attempts it finally powered up. After the usual hard drive fix, all of the Valhalla data was corrupted. Game data had to be completely deleted and re-downloaded. ALL SAVE DATA, 80+ hours alllllll gone. Two monetary packs are gone as well. I have tried all of the normal game data fixes. Nothing works. Am I totally screwed?! 

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

Hi @ImmortalGordo13 @jackiejr I'm sorry to hear that you are experiencing issues with your saves after installing the 1.5.0 update. Please not delete any of your corrupted save data.

Can you confirm if you launched the game before the update had finished installing? If this is the case then this will likely be the reason why your save data is showing as corrupted.

Could you please check to ensure that the latest update is installed and launch the game again. The version number will appear in the bottom right corner of the main menu screen.

If you do have the latest update installed and all of your saves are showing as corrupted could you provide screenshots to show this.