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I´ve gone through probably the 60% of the game already or so, i have collected excallibur, have defeated all legendary animals and i am currently looking to defeat all the Zealots on the game, so far the only one that is left is OSGAR, and i have been scanning the zone for hours now, i don´t know what happened but i cant find neither his body or himself alive, it´s pretty depressing to think that everything so far is doomed and i would not be able to finish the game with this problem.

almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

@lmotalora09 I'm sorry to hear that you are unable to find the Zealot Osgar. Osgar should be located in the Lincolnshire region neat the Brant River.

If you are still unable to locate him could you please provide a video of you searching the area. In the video can you also show your map, quests and order of the ancients screen.

almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

@lmotalora09 Could you please upload the video to YouTube then provide the URL link.