Original Post — Direct link

Ran into a glitch a few months ago regarding one of the mysteries in Glowecestrescire, at first, after giving the letter to the correct person, the quest giver simply disappeared when returning to him to complete the quest.
Went back to it today (10/11/23) hoping it would have been fixed after a few months, to find that now only one of the NPC's shows up to offer the letter to and after trying to give it to him to see what happens, the quest giver on the wall still disappears anyway.
As a result, I'm unable to complete the mystery whilst playing on PS4 and have found no workarounds as of yet.
Leaving the area and returning offers up the same result each time and I have seen others having the same problem with no fixes yet.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

Hi @prinxepretty I'm sorry to hear that you have been unable to complete the mystery 'Dearly Bee-Loved'.

I can confirm that this is not a glitch and is working as intended. The NPC 'Gill' who gave you the letter moves from his original location on top of the stone wall a bit further down near a wooden bench where his is talking to the NPC who you gave the letter to. After the dialogue ends the mystery should complete. I have attached an image below to show where the NPC's should be.
If you have any further issues please let us know.