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I was asking for investigetion. Nothing, problem is out. In September I , maybe even in August
I was losing more and more Helix items, which I spend my money.
What the hell this company does, I don't understand, even locking my earlier case on forum. I was losing firstly 1 item per pack, but in Draugr I even lose 2 items.

Now I see list: Character Packs: Bloody Dragon (Pants) Bloody Elf Oracle (Hood) Blessed Royal Warrior (Pants) Saint Knight Fallen (Armor) Ashes Night Rogue (Bracers) Night Shinobi(Armor) Steampunk Silver (Armor) Draugr (Hood) Tattooes: Raider (torso) Steampunk (back) Dark Knight (right arm) Nifleheim (right arm) Draugr (face) All: Ubisoft Logo Sigrdifumal 15th Anniversary Odin Blessing Mount: Draugr Bird: Thunder Bird Weapons: Ran Sword Silent Strike What the hell is going on? Why are you destroing Valhalla in-game store?

Not working game, not working with finding solutions, and always said by bot: "Sorry for". What the hell is going on?
Helix checker for buying items, Helix checker for 1 item, and bought items missing, but said by monit I have 1 item.
Really stupid support. Only making me do any idiotic things without any solution, and losing my f* time.

Real support will check problems, and repair it, on my own region, if you choose Technical Issues, "submit" is blocked, thanks to settings in Ubisoft Support domain.
Am I speaking with people or just bots which not making any sensible things? Or real people, who deosn't make professional support? Only finding excercises around, and making me do the same idiotic things? Real support doesn't running away to help making the best experience of game. I'm dissapointed and irritated for helpless in Ubisoft Support.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Mushy - Direct link

@atributes16 @goku19911 Hey folks, sorry to hear you're both having trouble with your purchased items. The team is working on implementing a fix in an upcoming update, but I don't have any further information to share at this point. Please watch this forum for updates.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Havoc - Direct link

@atributes16 Thank you for updating us with a list of the affected items (although I am really sorry to see a few more of your Armory being affected). I do hope as well that you can continue to place your trust in us for support. Once any news or updates become available a good place to keep an eye out would be the News & Announcements. Of course you can keep us in the loop here on your thread at any time if there is extra assistance we can provide.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Havoc - Direct link

@atributes16 Hey again! As noted earlier, our teams are aware of this issue. For any updates I can recommend to keep an eye out on the News & Announcements page.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-SleepyGoat - Direct link

Hey there everyone, just checking in on this post to get some extra info reported up on the issue.

Please keep in mind that this thread will not be continuously updated, and any communication about a fix for this issue will be delivered through the News and Announcements section.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Boost - Direct link

@atributes16 I can't say which update this issue is going to be resolved in, but I can confirm that this will be resolved in a future update. Please keep an eye on the game's patch notes for updates.

Thank you!