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PS4 pro FW 9.60
AC Valhalla TU 1.6.0 on internal SSD

Contract : Threat Assessment
Reda's day = September the 4th, 2022 (daily item = Tatoo : Steampunk (Right Arm)
never recieved the 5 Opals ...
(for my own video classification : video title = Assassin's Creed® Valhalla TU 1.6.0 : REDA robbed 5 Opals // 20220904 )


over 2 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

Hi @azullFR @bielik01 apologies for the late response.

@azullFR I checked your account and can see that you earned 15 opals on the 4th September. They can be occasions where the opals may be delayed being added to your inventory, however they should also be received shortly after.

@bielik01 I can also confirm that you received 15 opals on the 3rd September. As mentioned above they can be occasions where the opals may be delayed being added to your inventory, but you should receive them.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

@azullFR you're welcome 🙂

And yes it should usually be shortly after, but it may be the next time you login or within 24 hours. If it's after 24 hours I would recommend contacting us and we can look into it for you.