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Hello, I’ve completed 98% of the collectibles in the game to include the dlc. I am missing two mysteries and have been for months. Those two I do not know the name of but looking at my map I am missing an “X” in:
Suthsexe at the lake just south of the large alien etching in the ground
Sciropescire southeast of the hill gate remnants fast travel OR north of the Uriconium Ruins (neither are showing an X but I’m only missing one)l mystery for the region)

I am unable to buy them for my map they just take my silver and nothing appears and going to those locations nothing pops up. I did not get the “Hidden Truth” achievement so maybe one of these is an animus anomaly...I think one of them is a mushroom though.

almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

@jin_bambino Apologies for the late response.

You mentioned that you are missing x's in several locations and that two mysteries are not showing as completed. To confirm are you missing one mystery in the Suthsexe and Sciropescire regions?

Could you also provide a video. In the video can you show each region on the map and also highlight the missing x's that you mentioned by placing a marker in the locations.

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

@jin_bambino That would be appreciated, thank you.