Original Post — Direct link

I seem to having this issue also with no way forward after a few days.

I had cleared the camp prior to getting to the mission.
When I got to the part that I needed that I needed to speak with the blacksmith, he was further west with the other villagers, but couldn't interact with him.
Reloaded the game and he was back on the little patch of land surrounded by lava.
Area cleared already of any mobs. no possible option to interact with the blacksmith even though it has the quest marker visible as I should.

Went off and cleared other gold/blue/white makers on the whole map, came back then and mobs had respawned. Killed them and still couldn't interact with him.
Went back to England and went back to the zone in case that might help but no change.
Game is up to date but have no way to progress now.
Game is up via ubisoft launcher with ubisoft+

Video recording attached

Any help would be appreciated


over 2 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

Hi @NovosGuy I'm sorry to hear that you are unable to interact with Glamnic in the quest 'The Warlord's Daughter'.

I can confirm that one other player reported this issue previously and it is still being investigated. I have forwarded your details on to the development team.