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I noticed a new animation-related bug with the "Light-fingered" skill since the latest "Final Chapter" update for Valhalla.

Now, Eivor automatically loots barrels, satchels, baskets, and other small lootable containers; however, these items don't animate at all when Eivor loots them.

For example, when you loot a barrel, the lid no longer comes off. When you loot a satchel, the flap no longer opens. When you loot a basket, the top no longer opens up.

If you reset the "Light-fingered" skill and loot these containers manually (by pressing triangle), then these animations are restored and play normally.

Also, having your hood always up (in the settings menu) makes no difference. The bug happens regardless.

Can you fix this? I'd like to have the skill active but also ensure the loot animations are all still working properly. This is on PlayStation 5.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-oof - Direct link

Hey @C-Pick, thank you for sending this in! I'd like to submit a new report for this as soon as possible. To save time, can you tackle the steps in this FAQ article? After those are done, please check and see if this automation issue still happens. If it does, can you provide me with a short video clip of it happening?

Once those steps are done and we have a video clip, I'll go ahead and send a new report up. Thank you so much!🐙

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

Hi @C-Pick thanks for the videos provided. I have forwarded those on to the development team.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Thrupney - Direct link

Hey, folks! I appreciate the further comments about this animation bug. I can see our teams are looking into it, so I'll have my fingers crossed for this as well.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Mushy - Direct link

@JustDawg Hey there, I'm sorry to hear you're running into these issues! If you go to the location of the hoard treasure, are you able to loot it? You can find the location in the spoiler below:


about 2 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

Hi @C-Pick apologies for the late response. 

I can confirm that the issue with the Light-Fingered skill was resolved, however after thorough investigation, the development team is unable to provide a solution for the animation bug associated with this skill. When assessing the complexity of the issue and number of players affected, the team had to prioritize issues that had a comparatively higher impact.

With Post-Launch support for Assassin's Creed Valhalla coming to an end, we will be unable to roll out a fix for this issue.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

@C-Pick I can understand your disappointment that the animation bug was not included in the fix, I can only confirm that the development team had to prioritize other issues that had a higher impact on gameplay, the issue with the Light-Fingered skill being one of these.