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After the seasonal event started the longboat disappeared when in England. It can be summoned, but it's invisible along with the crew. When summoned in port it's stuck and can't be moved even though player can take command. Regardless of the summoning position, the sail fold/unfold order does not work. When starting a raid - still possible with invisible longboat - crew does not join the fight. Problem persists in England, despite fast travel, sleeping, modifying the ship or progressing the game. It does not affect the ship in norway or the river raid boat.
The problem concerns multiple save files. Reloading very old save made the longboat appear again, but it's always invisible on all newer ones.

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

Hi @voli1o apologies for the late response.

I am also sorry to hear that you have experienced issues with your long ship in-game.

Can you confirm if you are still experiencing this issue after the latest game update (1.4.1) that was recently released?

If you are could you please provide a video demonstrating the issue so that I can report it to the development team.

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

Hi @voli1o apologies for the late response and thanks for the video provided.

I have reported this issue to the development team to investigate.

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Peach - Direct link

Hello @voli1o! The development team is still investigating this issue. I understand this is taking longer than expected and I apologize for the inconvenience.

about 3 years ago - Ubi-SpaceCats - Direct link

@voli1o Hey there, I am sorry for the frustration this issue has caused. Rest assured our teams are still actively investigating this problem.

As soon as there is an update, it will be posted here on our News & Announcements page, as well as the Assassin's Creed Twitter.

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Orion - Direct link


Hey there

Thanks for reporting this to us.

This issue is under active investigation at the moment. We hope to have a resolution soon so please keep an eye on the forums for updates.

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Mark. - Direct link

Hello @mightyeagle02,

Thank you for sharing this workaround with us!

I also checked with the development team and it seems that this issue should be already resolved with the latest version 1.5.1.

If you have any additional questions, please let us know!