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In order for me to play The last Chapter, "I have to kill all of the order of the Ancients and unveil it's leader". I have one clue to find the father in order to get that I have to beat the drinking champion in roman ruins of Leicestershire but when I start to win the drinking game the drinking bar goes red because the space bar is slow to press then Eivor starts falling all over the place I keep pressing the A\D keys but it don't work on the PC and I lose, but the champion don't fall ounces or stop drinking! I have tried this many times I give up because it's soo Bugged , also the champion gulps down 8 times I have to press the space bar 12 times to gulp it down how slow is that! I thought it was a player choice in the game but that not true if I was 'GIVEN' a choice I would choose a dice game.

So after two years of my journey with Eivor story I will have to end it here now. Because I can't get that clue Thanks Ubisoft for added that last line in the last chapter of things to do.


over 2 years ago - ubi-smash - Direct link

Hey @AORUS2017, thanks for sharing the clip with us, and apologies for the difficulties this particular competition has been. To confirm some items to share with the Dev Team to take a closer look into this, could you answer the following:

  • Have you noticed the A/D keys being unresponsive during other drinking games before challenging the Champion in the Roman ruins?
  • If you have noticed this in other drinking challenges, do you have any clips of this being reproduced?
  • Have you encountered any input delays in other events, combat, etc.?
  • Are you playing with a wireless keyboard, or is it wired?

If you have any additional information you can share when you have experienced this, please keep me posted so I can provide as much as needed to the team. Thanks!

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Havoc - Direct link

Thanks @AORUS2017 for taking the time to capture and video and get back to us on the questions from above. I would be interested in seeing if altering your key bindings like @Kormac67 mentioned has any change in completing the drinking game?

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Thrupney - Direct link

Hey @AORUS2017 , thanks for coming back to us with this video! I've had a look around, and I can't find any reports of issues with this drinking game, so I'm glad you've brought this up.

I'm not sure the challenge is bugged, but it certainly seems difficult. I haven't got this far in the game myself yet. Rather than rebinding the key, would you temporarily be able to switch to a gamepad to make hitting the prompts with gamepad buttons a little faster than pressing the space key?

Thanks very much again for your feedback on this 🙂

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

Hi @AORUS2017 thanks for the update. I'm sorry to hear that you do not have a gamepad that you can try. As mentioned we haven't seen any other reports of this particular issue.

I can see in the thread you provided there was no response from support. If you have any other links where this issue has been reported please provide the links.

Could you also confirm the following:

  • What graphics settings you are using?
  • If you encounter this with all drinking games or just this particular one?
  • If you didn't encounter this issue in other drinking games before attempting this one do you experience it if you play them again now?