In order for me to play The last Chapter, "I have to kill all of the order of the Ancients and unveil it's leader". I have one clue to find the father in order to get that I have to beat the drinking champion in roman ruins of Leicestershire but when I start to win the drinking game the drinking bar goes red because the space bar is slow to press then Eivor starts falling all over the place I keep pressing the A\D keys but it don't work on the PC and I lose, but the champion don't fall ounces or stop drinking! I have tried this many times I give up because it's soo Bugged , also the champion gulps down 8 times I have to press the space bar 12 times to gulp it down how slow is that! I thought it was a player choice in the game but that not true if I was 'GIVEN' a choice I would choose a dice game.
So after two years of my journey with Eivor story I will have to end it here now. Because I can't get that clue Thanks Ubisoft for added that last line in the last chapter of things to do.