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I have noticed that the in-game music plays little to no music while moving around the game world. When loading into Ravensthorpe the game will cut out any music that tries to play with a loud popping/crackling noise. While in some cutscenes I have noticed that the music will try and play in some instances, but will be very low in volume level. This seems to have happened soon after update 1.6.2 as I have not noticed this beforehand.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

Hi @GLADI8ORDUDE apologies for the late response.

I am also sorry to hear that you are experiencing issues with your audio in Assassin's Creed Valhalla. We have received reports of various issues with audio previously by other players. We currently have a megathread open for music rarely playing here which is still being investigated.

Can you confirm the following:

  • What you are using for your audio output? (TV speakers, Surround Sound Speakers, Sound Bar, Headphones)
  • What your audio output setting is on your console? (Stereo uncompressed, 5.1 or 7.1 uncompressed, Bitstream out)
about 2 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

@GLADI8ORDUDE thanks for the update.

To confirm do you experience audio issues if you play the audio through your TV instead of your headset?

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

@GLADI8ORDUDE thanks for your reply.

The issue with sounds and music missing is still being investigated by the development team. As soon as we have any updates it will be shared in the megathread that I shared with you. For the issue crackling noises this is not a known issue, I am not sure what could be causing that.

Are you using your headset wired or wireless? If wired could you please try wireless to see if that makes any difference.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

@GLADI8ORDUDE thanks for the update, I'm sorry to hear that a wired connection didn't help.

I have looked online and found some threads related to static type noises on Xbox Series X which appear to be related to the Dolby Atmos setting, however most players mention this occurs on the dashboard screen rather than in-game. Some also mentioned they had to factory reset the console, others mentioned a wired connection to the headset resolved it for them. You could maybe try disabling the Dolby Atmos setting to see if that makes any difference?

We have not seen any other reports of that particular issue for Assassin's Creed Valhalla, only the issue related to the music rarely playing or cutting out along with some other audio issues such as missing dialogue and sounds, which is generally related to the audio output setting.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

@GLADI8ORDUDE you're welcome 🙂