Albion Online

Albion Online Dev Tracker

29 Jun


Hey, yes of course you can. Players from all devices play on the same global server and can interact in any way they want!

28 Jun


Can confirm that these 3 accounts have been banned already. If you see a speed hacker it's best to directly reach out to a GM or to send in the evidence to [email protected]

25 Jun


The last payments that have been affected by the issue that /u/HellementsAO mentioned should have been properly resolved as of a few minutes ago. If yours has not yet, please reach out to [email protected] as that's then something else that definitely needs looking at. Sorry for the inconvenience!


Originally posted by Newguy2101

Thank you for the information much appreciated

If this doesn't get resolved automatically you can reach out to our customer support via [email protected] or directly via your profile.


There's currently an issue with mobile payments that we are aware of. Team is already working on it. I'll update here if I get more news.

23 Jun


Originally posted by AlbionSucks

Steams reply is actually in the post....

Yes I'm sorry, I must have missed it. The case was passed on and should hopefully be solved soon.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Honestly don't charge back the money if you want this solved quickly with Support. All this does is flag your account for money laundering/fraud and make this whole situation even more difficult for our Customer Support. Wait out a reply from steam and see if they have any clue on what happened. -Hellements


Originally posted by Ok_Golf8726

No i bought all my gold from shop says "payment issue" so they slap me with a 200 year ban??? Instead of problem solving... this is ridiculous after i made purchases from them i had some unauthorized ones so i called it in... and then they slap me with this WOW albion nice problem solving skills 👏

If the ban message says something with "Payment issue" then it is an automized ban because a payment was reverted or flagged for fraud by payment method (credit card issuer, Paypal), your bank, or the platform (Steam, Apple, Google).

Support will look into your individual case for sure, but if you already can think of any instance where there might have been an issue where one or more of previously completed payments have basically been taken back, then that's already something to look into.

Also mirroring the notion of /u/Mizuhebi08 to remove your e-mail address from a public post.

Edit: actually removing the post for accidental self-doxxing.

22 Jun


Originally posted by rocker10039

Omg, thanks so much, it worked.... plus quick question, why is the guy in the video able to earn points without ever mentioning a cape? I was copying him blindly to become rich😅

The video was recorded before the Call to Arms Update where these requirements didn't exist yet.


Originally posted by modjed2020

That was fast

Well the video was made at 3 UTC...


Originally posted by rocker10039

  1. Yes I'm enlisted to fort sterling

  2. I'm doing it in the yellow zone atm

  3. All my gear is over 800 power, I use adept soldier boots, mercenary jacket, scholar's cowl and battleaxe all t4 and enchanted once, the axe is enchanted twice

Oh.... how do I check which is which? I pressed shift+f and found 0 points calling me mercenary

Sounds like not wearing a cape dropped your average ip below 700. Try to equip a 4.0 cape to make sure your average ip is above 700. You can also click the arrow to the left of your inventory to check your average item power.


We're aware and player has been banned already.


Thanks for the report guys, videos have already been sent to the support for further investigation and the players hacking have been banned.

20 Jun


The only thing that would keep you from being able to purchase an item from the shop is that you need to finish the tutorial to unlock it.
If you've finished it, restarted your game and still can't access the shop you should take a screenshot and contact support.
You can create a ticket via your profile or by directly mailing [email protected]


Hey, you'll need to equip a cape as well since it also counts towards the average item power that's needed. You can buy capes at the market place or craft them at the toolmaker.

18 Jun


Originally posted by On3WithNothing

If it's purely a cosmetic color correction that you put on to change the screen composition, I don't see why that wouldn't be ok.

That being said u/HellementsAO can tell you for certain.

I can't give a definitive answer on this subject, I'd send a mail to support, they have a better understanding on whats allowed and what not.


Hey Nazori, first of thank you very much for the detailed suggestions. I forwarded them to the devs for further discussion!

17 Jun


Originally posted by anypsudonym

I reviewed the App Store and I didn’t see anything about a founders pack

You wouldn't have bought it on the AppStore, Founder Packs were discontinued in 2017. So if you had one, you'd have bought it back then and just logged into an old account.

16 Jun