Anno 1800

Anno 1800 Dev Tracker

07 Nov


Once again we want to share a community update with you, showcase some great Anno 1800 impressions from our community and let you know about our streaming plans. Let’s go!

Anno Afternoon Stream – Retro Edition

This Friday, we’re changing things up with the Anno Afternoon. After noticing that Ubi-Thorlof has never played Ubi-Trenchcoat’s favourite game of the series – Anno 1701 –  they spontaneously decided to do a retro stream! Tune in on the 8th at 4PM UTC (5PM CET) when they’ll be diving into the The Sunken Dragon campaign.

Playtest und Game Update 6.0

The Game Update 6.0 playtest has started last week and is going very well. A big thank you to everyone who already provided their feed...

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24 Oct


We’re back once more with a community update and some info on what to expect from us in the near future.

Anno Afternoon Stream

This Friday, Seraxia and Thorlof will put their creative hats on (most likely not literally) in another Anno Afternoon and try something completely different. You want to know more? Then don’t miss out this special livestream episode and tune on the 25th...

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18 Oct


The invention of the light bulb was more than a mere boon to comfort and luxury. This new way of illuminating the darkness was also an inspiring force for creative minds and a motor for the industry, unshackling them from the natural rhythm of day and night. With electricity playing such an important role in Anno 1800’s economy, there was a strong desire from our community to have a true day and night cycle in the game. Finally, this wish became reality with Game Update 4. As the days are getting ever shorter, what better time to shine a light on this major visual update than in today’s DevBlog!

A true passion project for the players – the beginnings

Since the early days of development, we had been toying with the idea to add a day & night cycle to Anno 1800, similar to the one from 2205. In reality, game development often means throwing a lot of ideas onto a wall and then deciding which ones may be a crucial must-h...

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10 Oct


With the release of Game Update 5.3 next week, which was supported by some community members helping us by testing and providing save games affected by issues, we will address the most aggravating issues currently in the game. In addition, with further testing throughout the month of November, we plan to leverage the knowledge of our community once more for “The Passage” and Game Update 6.
Game Update 6 and “The Passage” playtest coming in November
Game Update 6 will not only include the co-op mode and statistics feature, it will also release alongside the third and final (not to mention biggest!) Season Pass DLC, “The Passage”. For that, we once more want to invite some testers from the Anno Union to further polish the game experience based on your feedback.

We will test a variety of content and different features to gather data about the stability and quality of Game Update 6. As such, this playtest will be longer than our previous te...

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01 Oct

    BB_CR on News - Thread - Direct

Today we want to give you an update on what is next for Anno 1800. We have received a lot of community feedback on Game Update 5, including some issues. The Anno community is at the heart of everything we do, so we are of course committed to improving the quality of all upcoming updates. As such, we have made some changes to our roadmap, which you can find detailed below.

Game Update 5.3 (mid-October)

We are currently working on Game Update 5.3, which we are planning to release in mid-October after extensive additional testing. For this update, we will be focusing on fixing the following issues:

  • Trains getting stuck inside the oil harbor
  • Ships getting stuck at the session border
  • Anarchist Main Story Quests appearing too rarely for some unlucky players
  • NPC characters having large fleets of duplicate ships
  • Ships in the ship list flickering/ switching around
  • Issues with selecting ships w...
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17 Sep


When our scouts returned from their reconnaissance mission, they handed over mysterious reports about vanishing vessels at the gate to the high seas. The rumors spread quickly around our islands and it took mere days until you could listen to old sailor’s c*ck and bull stories about missing crews and ghost ships in every dockland pub. We had to act as we already set things in motion to start our next big expedition.

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12 Sep


After we received reports about bugs that appeared after the last Game Update, we plan to apply another Game Update to Anno 1800 tomorrow, September 13th at 3pm CEST. Here is what it will entail:

Increased reward chance of musical scores.

Increased botanical expedition events chance.

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10 Sep


Today marks the release of our second season pass DLC “Botanica” and Game Update 5. We are eager to see your comments on our latest content update and if you plan to share your marvelous gardens or just want to create content with the free Game Update 5, do not forget to let us know by commenting or mentioning our official social media channels such as @Anno_EN.

With five big updates as well as three DLC’s in total, the journey...

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04 Sep


By the end of the nineteenth century, the world was largely connected by trading networks, and the industrial revolution brought a spirit of enthusiasm that modernized society. However, while democracy replaced monarchy in many parts of the world, the general populace had limited ways to be a part of cultural and intellectual exchanges. Workers often shared newspapers after a long shift, and eventually museums, zoos, and botanical gardens were made available for everyone. These places were once exclusively for the aristocracy, but ultimately they served as cultural gathering spots for everyone, exposing more people to a larger and more diverse world. Society entered an exciting age of exploration, preservation, and cultural exchange.  

Botanica, the second Season Pass DLC, brings an additional cultural building project to the world of Anno 1800. From inviting green avenues, to flowery compositions or as wondrous as colorful exotic plants from far away, the bota...

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03 Sep


In today’s Union Update, we get ready for the big content drop next week with the Game Update 5 release notes and the details about our Twitch Drop Botanica event before we follow up with Devblog: Botanica tomorrow and the next Annocast Devstream. Don’t forget to follow our Twitch channel to get notified when we go online with our developer stream this Thursday 4.30pm CEST. And as this week is already quite packed with Anno news and content, we will share the winner of the Corsair Day&Night cycle next week!

Twitch Drop Event: Botanica

To celebrate our upcoming Season Pass DLC Botanica and the Game Update 5, coming next week Tuesday on September 10, we will run another Twitch Drop even...

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29 Aug


We are back from gamescom 2019, but there’s no rest for the wicked, as the next DLC drop is just around the corner. Today, we give you an overview of what happened during the world biggest game convention and some info about what is yet to come in the upcoming weeks.

As many of you already know, we revealed our new Season Pass trailer during the opening ceremony of gamescom 2019, giving you not only a glimpse at upcoming DLCs like Botanica or the icy The Passage DLC, but also revealing the new day & night cycle that you will all be receiving as a free Game update alongside Botanica on September 10!

  • Our second Season Pass DLC, Botanica, drops September 10, alongside the free Game Update 5. You can look forward to a detailed DevBlog about your personal botanical garden next week!
  • Game Update 5 will bring you the free day & night cycle and the much improved return of certain plaza tiles you may have seen during our beta phases. As always, we will s...
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19 Aug


Experience the Industrial Revolution and Be the First to Test the New Day & Night Cycle during the Anno 1800 Free Week!

Today, we announced that Anno 1800 will be free to play for the occasion of gamescom 2019. Until August 25*, players will be able to get a first glimpse at the upcoming day & night cycle free update, releasing on September 10 for all the players. In addition, the second DLC of the game, Botanica, will also release on September 10 as part of the Season Pass.

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15 Aug


Once a year at gamescom, hundreds of thousands of gamers from across the globe come together to celebrate games in Cologne. And once more, we want to invite all Annoholics out there to join our Community Corner sessions in the Ubisoft Lounge and to get a first glimpse of upcoming content.

The Ubisoft Lounge, which is located in the Ubisoft area in Hall 6, is our own dedicated community space where once a day, Anno fans come together to discuss all things Anno with our Community Developer, Bastian Thun. Alongside our daily stage presentations, you can rest assured that we will have some news to share with all of you!

We are looking forward to seeing many of you at gamescom 2019, as there is no advance registration to the Lounge sessions required (though we recommend to arrive early, as space is limited).

And when you are there, don’t forget to share your #Anno1800 #gamescom2019 moments with us (and the community) on Social Media!

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06 Aug


Once again, Europe’s biggest video game expo will open its doors on August 20. in Cologne, Germany. And to keep the tradition, we will bring Anno 1800 back to our Ubisoft UplayLounge, where we show you the newest Anno content and invite you to community QnA sessions. And while we won’t have stations to play Anno 1800 this year, we will also hold daily stage presentations on the big Ubisoft stage and rest assured, we will also have some Anno news to share.
We will share the exact times for the daily UplayLounge and stage presentations next week.

But before we can focus on gamescom 2019, we have another small Game Update for you, which will tackle some of the bugs which came with the latest DLC “Sunken Treasures”

Fixed an issue where some piers and trading posts were not correctly registered by trading ships. Ships will now check all available options to unload their cargo when stopping at an island.

All participants of a multiplayer match with the ...

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31 Jul


Release Notes for Game Update 4.1

After some reports we received after we deployed Game Update 4.0 and released “Sunken Treasures”, we will apply a hotfix to Anno 1800 today, July 31. at 10pm CEST. Game Update 4.1 (4.0.88) is an update to fix the following issues:

  • Fixed a situation where a blueprint of a building that costs influence would break the influence count of player’s save file upon reload.
  • Fixed an unintended behaviour where an Enemy AI’s Trading Post could drop upon destruction a lot of scrap resource which could’ve been sold for huge amount of money.
  • Fixed a graphical issue that occurs with the maximum zoom level which affected the visibility of buildings in the distance.

24 Jul


With July 30 less than a week away, the release of our first big Season Pass DLC „Sunken Treasures“ and our Game Update 4, which includes many quality of life changes, draws ever closer. But before we share the full release notes of GU4 with all of you, we want to talk about our upcoming “Sunken Treasures” Twitch Drop Event!

During the Event, which starts this Friday July 26, you will be able to watch how a variety...

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19 Jul


The Queen has vanished! But you track her south to sunny Cape Trelawney, site of a great naval battle. In Sunken Treasures’ new Storyline, you will set out on a journey to resurrect the glory of an empire through one of its timeless symbols, the Royal Scepter, lost to the depths during the war. Only by building a vast territorial capital, and seeking out a flea-bitten crackpot by the name of Old Nate—being among other things, an innovator in deep-sea diving—will you be able to restore the empire to its former glory. But beware, you are not the only one hoping to claim the power of the legendary artifact.

Our first big content drop for Anno 1800, Sunken Treasures, will set you on a quest for glory and riches, in which you make history, erecting a new capital to bring a dwindling empire back to its former glory.
We do not want to spoil the fun yet, but can say that an epic new questline will expand on the world of Anno 1800 and the background of its character...

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11 Jul


The Battle of the Ages

Annoholics living in North America will have the chance to participate in one of the most epic battles of the ages for life and death schnapps and wool.

Eight YouTubers will join the battle to compete against each other and to build the most impressive city Anno has ever seen. But they won’t do this on their own – you might be the partner in crime!


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04 Jul


The upcoming Game Update 3.2, which will hit Anno 1800 next Monday July 8th, will be the last minor update before we will fully focus on Game Update 4 “Sunken Treasures”. We are currently testing the content with a selected group of players from the Anno Union and will provide the exciting details about the big update and the DLC in an upcoming DevBlog and AnnoCast livestream.

Fixed an issue that ...

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27 Jun


We are back with a short and fresh Community Update during a hot summer day, before we will return next week with the details to Game Update 3.2 and the winners of the propaganda video contest.

We had our German episode of our Community Corner AMA stream last Tuesday. As usual, many of you joined us to watch the stream and ask plenty of questions. We also shared some German entries to our propaganda contest and as we love to share any of your Anno 1800 creations. Is there a funny video or great fan art you stumbled across which you would like to share with us?
Quite recently, we were amused by Patteyayo Plays sarcastic tutorial for the fifths residential tier:

And if you missed the German stream, you can just watch the show in the ...

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