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I played Anno1800 having this problem and I couldn't remember when happened in one update.Then my old save had a bug with unfinish DLCs the passage task and sunken treasures task.And In new DLC:tourist season, I cannot get the recipe:AgeofExploration in Iron Tower.I play my old save too long time passed 1200 hours,and lost maybe initial hundreds save bakup.So I really wanna have a reset icon to let me redo the DLC task or other idea to save my old save.Help me,plz!
almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Karl - Direct link
Hey kimitoosky, thanks for reaching out, welcome to forums and sorry to hear about the issues you ran into.

1. In regards to not being able to proceed with Age of Exploration recipe, I can confirm that this has been brought up to our development team, however in order to aid us in further review and for reproduction purposes, is there any chance you could provide us with your save file? It's by default located in %userprofile%\Documents\Anno 1800\accounts

2. As far as losing your save goes, I am not exactly sure what led to it however if you do not have it saved in your save file folder then I am afraid we will be unable to restore the progress you've made on your save file you're referring to.

Should you have any further questions, let us know!
almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Karl - Direct link
Thanks for your response there kimitoosky .

If you do have access to your save file where you ran into the Age of Exploration recipe issue, you can just simply use any online file sharing website where you could upload it and once that's done, you should be given a link (URL) that you can share with others, so that they could access the file you've uploaded.

I hope that makes sense. Nevertheless, if you do continue to run into difficulties with this, let us know!
over 3 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link
Originally Posted by kimitoosky
I choose two save files to upload,One is before the DLC:land of lions task,One is recently.
I add the mods maybe since the DLC seat of power or bright harvest,I can't remember the time exactly.So it probably let some mod bulidings missing or cards in townhall or tradeunion unexpected.My problem happened before these things.You also can find this problem in the save files and it's unaffected by mods.
If you cannot download the files in baidu netdisk well,tell me plz.
Thanks for you help.
Hey kimitoosky,

Thank you for getting back to us with that!

I'm afraid the link you've posted doesn't appear to work as we see a 'this site can't be reached' message when loading the page.

Could you please repost the link?

Thank you!
over 3 years ago - Ubi-Thrupney - Direct link
Thanks for getting that save file across to us, kimitoosky - we've been able to get it from your OneDrive link, and I've passed it on to our dev teams to investigate further.

Keep an eye on News & Announcements for details of patches and upcoming fixes! Let us know if you have any other thoughts or questions in the meantime.