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I completed the Seasons of Silver with a bronze medal, during which I restored the hacienda and got the cargo ship reward and built trading posts to the other islands. From reading other posts, these should carry over to the next try. However, I cannot restart the scenario so that I would receive those. I only get a completely new game, which creates its own save game. I restarted once a while after playing the scenario, which created a "Vasco Oliveira 2" save, which I used to complete the scenario. Now if I restart the scenario, it creates a "Vasco Oliveira 3" save (and then "Vasco Oliveira 4" after that). I tried deleting the other save games (besides the #2, which I used to complete the scenario), to no avail. I have not pushed the "Reset scenario" button even once. I have tried to load a save game before the scenario completes, but it only allows me to go to the main menu in the victory screen. If after that I use the Scenarios menu and push the Begin scenario, it always just creates a new save game, with the hacienda in ruins and no other trading posts. The scenario loading screen shows the bronze goal as completed.

My only hope now is to push the Reset scenario button and try if the next time the progress starts to carry over again, but it'll take time and I don't have much hope it'd work.

(For some reason the save games for this scenario seem to be in a folder named "Scenario_ElNino_2" (and _3, etc.), while the Eden Burning is in a folder "Isabel Sarmento".)

Here's a link to the save game just before the scenario win: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AqHfqBwyVV-1rfwCAsmcFTIriZQqFQ?e=HIuDG0: (https://1drv.ms/u/s!AqHfqBwyVV-1rfwCAsmcFTIriZQqFQ?e=HIuDG0)

No mods whatsoever used.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Hey there @Synchronos357 ,

Thanks for reaching out to us and reporting this and for the update, glad to hear you've since been able to get this sorted!

We haven't had ay other reports of this, however will keep an eye out so we can take a closer look.

And of course if there's anything more we can help you with, please let us know!

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Perseids - Direct link

@ejvandekaa Hello! Welcome to Discussions!

I'm sorry that you are getting the error "Failed to synchronize cloud saves" and also that some of your legendary items are not being carried over. To help with the error message, please try following the steps in our guide here. Also, would you be able to provide a video showing that the items are not appearing as they should? Once you have the video, please upload it to a website like YouTube or Google Drive, and share the link here. Thank you!

over 2 years ago - Ubi-MrM - Direct link

@BeetrootPancake @SunriseReverie Hi !

I've taken note of your reports, and I'm sorry to hear that the problem is impacting your experience in Anno 1800 !

For the purpose of our investigation, in order to isolate the Issue, I invite you to reach out to us via our Help website, in order to provide us with your current save file.

This will help determine the best possible solutions, and that element is an important part of our investigation.

Don't hesitate to reach out if you have questions, or if you'd like to report other Issues !

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link


Let us know if you've provided your save file through a support ticket as mentioned above by Ubi-MrM and we'll make sure to grab those and forward them on to the dev team if they haven't been already.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-MrM - Direct link

@JanCRn Hi !

I've taken note of your report, and I wanted to thank you for the update provided !

If the carryover worked in a 3rd save file, this could mean that the first saves could have been corrupted.

Does the Issue happen again if you play normally, without the quick fail of the 2nd save ?