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I am trying to kill the corpse Feeder legendary beasts.
I am able to kill two of the wolves. But the third one called Hwit Wulf is missing. I can see the enemy's health bar but not the enemy.
Whenever I leave the area to see if it resets, it resets the wolves except for the Hwit Wulf. I kill the other two and still the third one is missing. I have reloaded my save file and restarted the PS4.

A very weird glitch.

about 4 years ago - UbiKoreanBBQ - Direct link

@alucardz23 Hey there! I am so sorry for the delayed response. If this is still present as an issue for you, can you send me a screenshot of the invisible Hwit-Wulf, but the health bar showing?

about 4 years ago - UbiKoreanBBQ - Direct link

@alucardz23 Hey there! I am so sorry for the delayed response. If this is still present as an issue for you, can you send me a screenshot of the invisible Hwit-Wulf, but the health bar showing?

about 4 years ago - UbiKobold - Direct link

Hi wslfd73! I am sorry that you have not been able to locate the third wolf to complete The Corpse Feeders quest! When you arrive to the area around Buckingham there should be a place that looks like an abandoned town. The three wolves should be in that area. Have you tried leaving the area and returning or loading an earlier save and trying again? If so and the third wolf still does not appear, please provide a video showing your gameplay of trying to complete the quest. You can post the video to YouTube as unlisted and provide the link here.

about 4 years ago - UbiKobold - Direct link

Hi wslfd73! I am sorry that you have not been able to locate the third wolf to complete The Corpse Feeders quest! When you arrive to the area around Buckingham there should be a place that looks like an abandoned town. The three wolves should be in that area. Have you tried leaving the area and returning or loading an earlier save and trying again? If so and the third wolf still does not appear, please provide a video showing your gameplay of trying to complete the quest. You can post the video to YouTube as unlisted and provide the link here.

almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

Hello there!

I've merged together a few similar threads about one of the Corpse Feeders missing from the arena. I apologise if this has disrupted any ongoing discussions. Creating a single thread allows us to keep all information and updates in one place.

As we have received no new updates of this issue persisting in game following the release of TU 1.2.1, we are now marking this issue as resolved.

If you're still having trouble defeating the Corpse Feeders, please can you send us a video that shows that the wolves are missing from the area. I would recommend using Odin's Sight, as this will highlight all enemies in the area and make it easier to spot the missing wolf.

If you know exactly which of the wolves is missing (Hwit, Eald, Niht), please include this information as well.

Thanks! 😊

almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

Hello there!

I've merged together a few similar threads about one of the Corpse Feeders missing from the arena. I apologise if this has disrupted any ongoing discussions. Creating a single thread allows us to keep all information and updates in one place.

As we have received no new updates of this issue persisting in game following the release of TU 1.2.1, we are now marking this issue as resolved.

If you're still having trouble defeating the Corpse Feeders, please can you send us a video that shows that the wolves are missing from the area. I would recommend using Odin's Sight, as this will highlight all enemies in the area and make it easier to spot the missing wolf.

If you know exactly which of the wolves is missing (Hwit, Eald, Niht), please include this information as well.

Thanks! 😊

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

Hello there!

As we have had no further reports of this issue persisting in-game following the release of TU 1.2.1, we will now be locking this thread.

If you encounter any further trouble with the Corpse Feeders, please don't hesitate to open up a new thread so we can take a closer look. When opening a new thread, please include as much information about the issue you're encountering as possible. Any images or videos that demonstrate the issue in-game are also helpful for further investigation.

Thanks! 😊

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

Hello there!

As we have had no further reports of this issue persisting in-game following the release of TU 1.2.1, we will now be locking this thread.

If you encounter any further trouble with the Corpse Feeders, please don't hesitate to open up a new thread so we can take a closer look. When opening a new thread, please include as much information about the issue you're encountering as possible. Any images or videos that demonstrate the issue in-game are also helpful for further investigation.

Thanks! 😊