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I have a powerful Hacienda Sugar Cane Farm boosted with tractors and fertilizer. The production statistics screen shows it can provide the island's needs and generate a surplus. It fails to reach full productivity because its 'outbox' fills to 4/4 quickly and is not unloaded fast enough by the wagons. The wagons choose to take a long road to some breweries that require a little bit of sugar cane at a time instead of transporting loads of sugar cane to a nearby warehouse. Since the farm outputs much less than its potential due to the slow offloading of sugar cane, buildings other than the brewery begin to operate intermittently such as the sugar refinery and a chemical plant relying on refined sugar.
I would like the breweries to access their own warehouse to get the sugar cane that is in island storage.
I would like the sugar cane to be transported directly to the warehouse, or at least have one cart doing that instead of all of them going to the breweries.
I have a save game I can share of the problem.

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Thrupney - Direct link

Hey there @spawndierepeat , thanks for sending this across. I understand you've had trouble with your sugar cane farms not producing enough sugar cane due to them getting full, and the sugar cane only being delivered straight to breweries rather than the warehouse. I can certainly see how that is not ideal, so I've gone ahead and reached out to another team about this to see what more I can find out, and I'll be back in touch shortly - let me know if you've any other questions in the meantime.

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Thrupney - Direct link

Hey there @asterix201252 , thanks for further explaining this, and for passing along these links.

I've now gone ahead and passed all of this information along internally as feedback. While the other team I'd reached out to advised that simply having more carts will help, I can understand that there is a lot of valuable feedback here that we can look into further.

Let me know if there's any further thoughts or questions on this at all!

almost 3 years ago - UbiSushiVamp - Direct link

@asterix201252 Of course! I appreciate you taking the time to provide all of the information to help our teams.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-SleepyGoat - Direct link

Hey there @Amiarah

I have gone ahead and added your report of this to our investigation of the issue. Thank you for reaching out!