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After downloading the new Seeds of Change DLC, the animated cursor in Anno 1800 is ridiculously oversized anytime I hover over the UI / tools

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hello everyone, thank you for letting us know of this animated cursor issue.

I have yet to install the new DLC, if possible, could one of you upload a screenshot of the bigger cursor so I can check this as a comparison against my non-updated pre Seeds of Change version of the game?

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

That is brilliant @LynxEy3 thank you for going to that effort in order to capture this cursor increase.

I have seen a few other players mention this new cursor size in the forums and how it can be distracting. I will feed this back to our Anno team and use your image for comparison, than you very much for taking the time to do that.

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Thanks for reaching out @lynxey3 , I'm afraid we don't have any further information on this at the moment, nor do we have a date for an expected fix.

This is still being looked into by the game team though, so hopefully we'll have some news in the future, in which case we'll keep you in the loop here.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused and if there's anything more we can help with in the meantime, please let us know!

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Ciel - Direct link

Hey @LynxEy3,

I'm glad to hear you were able to fix the issue by changing the scaling of your screen! Thank you so much for sharing this workaround on our forums, where it will help other players encountering this issue 😊