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In the Statistics menu, one can type "Investor Needs" in the search bar to filter by investor needs. However, Chewing Gums (from High Life) are not shown with that filter.

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Karl - Direct link

Hey @Charles_Wise, thanks for getting through and bringing this to our attention.

I've had a closer look and can see that similar matter has been brought up in the past, however our team has managed to address it back then, therefore taken into account that issue resurfaced, may I kindly check if Chewing Gum will not appear only in the instance you've described or does it not show up in Statistics Menu at all?

Additionally, for troubleshooting purposes, can I check if you've tried verifying your game files?

Let us know and we will take it from there!

over 2 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Hey @Charles_Wise,

Thanks for getting back in touch.

Have you since attempted verifying the files as requested?

And as @Ubi-Karl also asked if the Chewing Gum will not appear only in the instance you've described or does it not show up in Statistics Menu at all?

Any screenshot examples would also be appreciated so we have more information to raise to the team to allow them to investigate.

Thank you!

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Ciel - Direct link

Hey @Asterix201252 and @Charles_Wise,

Thank you for getting back to us with those images and information! I have forwarded it to the dev team for investigation. Should they need any more information regarding this, I will get back to you 😊