All the local department policies are working before game update 15.
But after update 15, all the local departments policies on every island have reset, so every time I load my save game, I have to choose my polices all over again every time because of this loop bug reset, I uninstalled my game and reinstalled, but it didn't fix my broking game I have stop playing it. (Well done Anno team This is your best bugs yet!)

I will link my other thread here for more report bugs
Want More bugs!

In the new world all the fish oil boats use just one pier to unload the fish oil now. I deleted the other piers and built new ones but just did the same then I add more fish oil piers to the other side of the same island but didn't work just same.

It's cold in the Arctic now but wait I have coal? I blame the game update. I deleted the buildings and made new ones, but it didn't fix it.

At the trade route I can't pick up the ponchos on this island because it shows -0 but wait again I have 1358? And it doesn't load it.