Original Post — Direct link
Hello, take a look at your uplay Club challenges section if you have already achieved "DLC: Aero Tycoon" ingame.

It is not showing in uplay challanges, though it's unlocked ingame and under Achievements section of Uplay, Also it's not showing in uplay website.

You can see it on screenshots. If you have the same problem, please create more tickets for support, so they can fix it faster. Thanks.

about 5 years ago - Ubi-Thorlof - Direct link
Hey MotoR12P,

sorry to hear the challenge did not properly unlock for you.

However, this is not a bug that needs to be fixed but the result of a (temporary) connection issue on your end where the data is not properly synchronized with the Ubisoft Club, resulting in the Challenge not properly unlocking.

Don't worry, though: Anyone encountering this problem (achievement unlocked but challenge isn't) can contact our colleages from support with a screenshot of the unlocked achievement and they will unlock the challenge for you.

Thank you,
almost 5 years ago - Ubi-Houck - Direct link
Originally Posted by SirHarryPierce
Oh, ok.

Do you have a link or something? Both are not unlocked in Ubisoft Launcher


Hi SirHarryPierce!

Thanks for the image, I have unlocked those two challenges for you.

almost 5 years ago - Ubi-Houck - Direct link
Originally Posted by SirHarryPierce
Should they also be unlocked in club challenges now, since they are both grey still.

Apologises, can you please check this again?

almost 5 years ago - Ubi-Houck - Direct link
Originally Posted by SirHarryPierce

Thank you.
My pleasure!

Please do let us know if there is anything else we can help with.

over 4 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link
Originally Posted by chetkowa
I have run into same problem, and Support wont let you log a ticket at all. And since I live in Norway, the site also sent me on a small support roundabout.
Hello chetkowa, apologies you were unable to create a ticket at the time.

If anybody ever has trouble trying to connect on our Support Site to make a case or start a chat, you can always reach our Social Media support at -




Send us a DM and we can help you with these sort of issues as well.

If you should have unlocked a challenge, but Ubisoft Club is not registering this, if you contact us on the above with proof you completed that challenge/mission, we can unlock these for you.

It should not have happened in the first place, but if you can contact us, we can at least unlock these rewards and badges for you
over 4 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link
Originally Posted by olaf-11
Good day!
I'm having the same problem with «DLC: Aero Tycoon» challange not displayed in Uplay . Please, help me

Hey there,

Thank you for posting your screenshots!

I've checked your account and unlocked the challenge for you.

It should be available next time you launch Uplay PC + Anno 1800!
over 4 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link
Originally Posted by olaf-11
Opps, Something went wrong. It isn't unlocked yet (
Hey there,

We are seeing some issues with accessibility in the Club at the moment while preparations are made for the new Ubisoft Connect service that launches on the 27th October.

This may cause a delay in the Challenge showing as unlocked for you, so please allow some time while we make all necessary changes.

Sorry for any inconvenience!