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In 4 months of owning this game I've never once seen the ingame TTS work.

It is a simple tick box, it appears easy to enable, yet it has never worked.

This is particularly disappointing as games with TTS are rare and my best friend is mute.

Has anyone else ever seen this working or found any way to make it work?
over 4 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link
Originally Posted by Benage33
In 4 months of owning this game I've never once seen the ingame TTS work.

It is a simple tick box, it appears easy to enable, yet it has never worked.

This is particularly disappointing as games with TTS are rare and my best friend is mute.

Has anyone else ever seen this working or found any way to make it work?
Hey there,

Thanks for reporting this to us!

Just to confirm, are you able to actively enable it to no effect or is the tick box itself unresponsive?
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Originally Posted by Brumiros
Sorry for the late reply. It seems that the TTS need to be enabled for both (all) players in order for it to work. I was in a co-op game and TTS wouldn't play for the other guy unless I ticked the "enable TTS"
Thank you very much for your help, I hope Benage33 and his / her friend were able to get this working.

@Benage33 Were you able to get this up and running?

Accessibility is incredibly important and we want to keep improving this in any way we can.
over 3 years ago - Ubi-WheelyDuck - Direct link
Originally Posted by tszcheetah
Aaaaand right after posting the previous message, we just figured it out: it seems that besides enabling TTS, the sender also as to unmute themselves in voice chat to actually enable TTS.
Hey there,

Thank you for your update,

It is great to hear that you found the solution you needed.

If ever we can help in the future just let us know as we will be happy to help.

I will also now close this thread to prevent further posts