I had a new instance of the Newspaper incorrectly reporting Missing Schnapps on an island where Schnapps isn't required, as previously reported in thread https://discussions.ubisoft.com/topic/149218/consumption-penalty-due-to-lack-of-schnapps-in-the-new-world/12?lang=en-US. Puerto Salmuera is a small island with only normal Jornalero housing. It has a Marketplace but no Hacienda. There is therefore no demand for Schnapps on this island. I was somewhat surprised to discover this problem still exists, because I thought it likely that it shared a common (or similar) root cause with the "Newspaper reports missing Lifestyle Goods even when paused" bug that has been resolved in GU15.1 (according to the release notes).
It seems therefore that taken with thread https://discussions.ubisoft.com/topic/179739/bug-newspaper-reports-still-no-market?lang=en-US, two out of the three bugs where the newspaper falsely reports something missing with a 10% consumption penalty still exist despite updates 15 and 15.1 being released since they were reported. It seems that the one introduced with GU15 was fixed, but not the other two from GU14.
A save file has been attached to a ticket (Kate Wilberforce No Schnapps)