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I get to Rollo's camp and there is no cut scene, no interaction available with Rollo and it's completely stuck. I use the bird and it just highlights rollo but i'm literally standing on top of him.

Have tried fast travel to various locations and running back, restarting the game, doing other side quests and returning, but I can't progress the story because it is stuck. How do I reset the quest so that I can actually play the game?

over 4 years ago - UbiKobold - Direct link

Hello! To start, if you have not already, please try verifying your game files. >> https://ubi.li/siyYy << Then, if this continues afterwards, would one of you be able to provide a video of this from your gameplay? You can post the video to YouTube as unlisted, and then post the link here. I am sorry that this has occurred in-game, but thank you for your patience as we investigate the issue.

over 4 years ago - UbiKobold - Direct link

Hello! To start, if you have not already, please try verifying your game files. >> https://ubi.li/siyYy << Then, if this continues afterwards, would one of you be able to provide a video of this from your gameplay? You can post the video to YouTube as unlisted, and then post the link here. I am sorry that this has occurred in-game, but thank you for your patience as we investigate the issue.

over 4 years ago - UbiKobold - Direct link

Hello! To start, if you have not already, please try verifying your game files. >> https://ubi.li/siyYy << Then, if this continues afterwards, would one of you be able to provide a video of this from your gameplay? You can post the video to YouTube as unlisted, and then post the link here. I am sorry that this has occurred in-game, but thank you for your patience as we investigate the issue.

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link

Hey everyone,

Today's patch has resolved these issues with the quest "Old Wounds" as listed below:

  • Players were unable to complete the quest "Old Wounds" because Rollo does not follow Eivor into his camp and cannot be interacted with.
  • Players were unable to interact with Rollo at the brothel 
  • Players were unable to complete "Old Wounds" due to a guard becoming trapped in the brothel.

If you are still having any of these issues after updating the game, please let us know.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

Hi Vikings!

The development team have confirmed that they are intending to fix this issue with a future update, however we are unable to confirm when this will be. 

As soon as we have more information we will update this thread.