Original Post — Direct link

I finished Anitoni's quest before Angereb, and this quest is not disapperaing.

Finished the whole quest chain without a problem so not a big deal. Bug it still bugging me anyway.

over 4 years ago - Ubi-Orion - Direct link
Hey folks.

Just to confirm that this bug should be fixed with the next upcoming update. You can view release notes here. Cheers!
over 4 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link
Hey mberry12

Thank you for the link!

I've merged this thread here as it's for the same matter.

Please refer to Ubi-Thorlof's message to provide a save file so they can look into this further!

Thank you!
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link
Hello everyone, thanks for voicing your concerns over this quest in the Land of Lions update.

To help the team investigate please link us to your .A7S Save file that is affected.

This can be found at -
Documents\Anno 1800\Accounts\\\BarnabySmudge1.A7S (Example)

If you prefer you can always make a ticket and upload it to our support site too, here -

Then we will be able to add these files to our investigation to see if there is any patterns, thank you.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link
Thanks for confirming everyone.

Apologies we were unable to fix this bug that can halt progression with the library quest or sometimes stop the quest from being cleared from the quest log. This was supposed to be fixed in the update. The QA team has asked us to gather affected players save files so we can investigate please/

Again, you can find your save files here -
Documents\Anno 1800\Accounts\\\BarnabySmudge1.A7S (Example)

If you are able to upload your affected save file to our Ubisoft Support website, here - https://support.ubisoft.com/en-GB/Cases/New

Please let me know your case number so we can check your case for the file, then add it to the QA teams report, the more save files we can get from players the sooner we will be able to patch this issue, thank again for your help everyone.
about 4 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link
Originally Posted by Wootpwned
Still not working, and can't lodge a case and upload my save file via the link you supplied because Live Chat is the only option available during COVID, Submitting a Case with file upload is not an option because of this.
Hey Wootpwned,

Thank you for getting in touch!

If you're unable to open a case on the Support Site, you can also reach us on Facebook and Twitter and we can open a case for you to upload your save files to

Thank you!