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I often encounter issues with the item The Nose. I have equiped several copies of her on a number of islands in Trade Unions, as I'm trying to obtain all of the Legendary items/VIPs that she 'provides'. However, I notice that her effects are gone from an island after a first use.

Case and point:

I have an island with about 250 attractiveness, a Public Mooring, three items in the Harbour Master to buff visits and also a Local Department offering a ~120% buff. This ammounts to about 45% chance of visit for special guests. On this island, the very first visit I got was a Legendary guest, as I had equiped The Nose in a Trade Union. However, next time this island yields me a guest, it's a common one, even though I changed absolutely nothing on this island in between.

I noticed this many more times, as I also came across a sort-of-workaround that doesn't really work (remove Nose, re-equip and move the Trade Union around. As I said, it does seem to help but isn't working every time.)

This issue occurs both in the Old World and in Cape Trelawney on several islands (also including Crown Falls)
over 4 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link
Originally Posted by rabnivoy
I often encounter issues with the item The Nose. I have equiped several copies of her on a number of islands in Trade Unions, as I'm trying to obtain all of the Legendary items/VIPs that she 'provides'. However, I notice that her effects are gone from an island after a first use.

Case and point:

I have an island with about 250 attractiveness, a Public Mooring, three items in the Harbour Master to buff visits and also a Local Department offering a ~120% buff. This ammounts to about 45% chance of visit for special guests. On this island, the very first visit I got was a Legendary guest, as I had equiped The Nose in a Trade Union. However, next time this island yields me a guest, it's a common one, even though I changed absolutely nothing on this island in between.

I noticed this many more times, as I also came across a sort-of-workaround that doesn't really work (remove Nose, re-equip and move the Trade Union around. As I said, it does seem to help but isn't working every time.)

This issue occurs both in the Old World and in Cape Trelawney on several islands (also including Crown Falls)
Hey there rabnivoy,

Having The Nose equipped will only increase the chances of some specialists arriving to your island, there is no guarantee each visitor will be from this pool every time.

This may also be why you've noticed a minor difference when re-equipping The Nose before also having to wait again for further specialists.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Viral - Direct link
Originally Posted by rabnivoy
Hi Ubi-TheBerry
Thanks for your reply, it is quite helpful. It also leaves me with a follow-up question, though.
Does this mean that, contrary to what I found in some sources, the specialist pool is not replaced but just enhanced, when I use The Nose, Right To Remain and/or New World Huaca effects?
Could you maybe provide some more insight into how the 'source specialist pool' is determined if and when a visitor arrives at the Public Mooring?
Thank you for your reply rabnivoy!

Having a legendary specialist Mme. Elise "The Nose" Bouquet equipped in any trade union on the island changes the pool of specialists that can arrive on this island. Below you can see the list of all those specialists. The chance of getting each specialist is different:

Admiral Haynes, Beholder of Far Horizons - 1,43%
Angela "Meg" Iver, The Polyvalent - 0,588%
Anna Union, Engineer of Extravaganza Steamers - 0,588%
Anne Kenyatta, Special Needs Teacher - 1,67%
Aristelia Bataille, of the "Novelty Store" - 3,33%
Brother Hilarius, Purveyor of Monastic Mixtures - 0,625%
Bruno Ironbright, Engineering Giant - 0,625%
Captain Felicity Phoenix, Back From the Grave - 3,33%
Captain Moby, Old Dog of the Sea - 0,588%
Captain Richard Moses, Skipper of Schooners - 3,33%
Captain Smith, Titan of the Sea - 3,33%
Chief George Doughty, Smouldering Hero - 2%
Commmodore Stephen Drake, The Besieger - 1,43%
Cosmo Castelli, Agronomic Trailblazer - 0,625%
Cristobal Taffeta, The Trendsetter - 1,67%
Dr. Ali Al-Zahir, the Botanical Director - 1,67%
Dr. Maurice Slim, Former Head of Promise Trust - 2%
Ermenegilda Di Mercante, Purveyor of Tall Ships - 2,5%
Field Marshall Matravers, Conductor of Armies - 1,43%
Franck von Lewenstein, Warmest of Hosts - 1,67%
François Strindberg, Crown Jeweller - 0,625%
François Thorne, The Industrial Reinforcer - 0,625%
General Ewing Thomson, Planter of Flags - 1,43%
Gennaro Garibaldi, Chocolatier by Royal Appointment - 1,67%
Georgina Duffy, The Call your Bluffy - 1,43%
Gerhard Fuchs, of the Patent Eyeglass - 0,625%
Gideon Small, Guru of Pirate Gunboats - 0,588%
Hans Eichendorf, A Wholesale Success - 2,5%
Hans Klein, Old Grandfather Time - 0,625%
Henri Zanchi, Man of Steel - 0,625%
Hervé Savonne, Suppressor of Grime - 0,625%
Jakob Sokow, The Charitable Banker - 1,67%
Jörg von Malching, Augur of the Auric - 0,588%
Joseph Beaumont, Historic Society Founder - 1,67%
Lady Banes, Proponent of Protectionism - 2,5%
Lady Jane Smythe, Queen of Haute Couture - 0,625%
Lalla Mazigh, Merchant of a Free Market - 2,5%
Lord High Admiral Nadasky, The Astute - 1,43%
Louis P. Hecate, Arm-Puncturing Pioneer - 2%
Marcel Forcas, Celebrity Chef - 0,625%
Marco de la Mocha, Crusher of Beans - 1,67%
Maria Pizarro, Maker of Pirate Monitors - 0,588%
Marie-Antoine, Pâtissier Royale - 0,625%
Mark van der Mark, Breeder of Shepherd Dogs - 0,588%
Maxime Graves, Delicatesseur Extraordinaire - 0,625%
Mme. Elise "The Nose" Bouquet - 0,588%
Mrs. Mayson, The Very Good Housekeeper - 0,625%
Petra Piper, Fashioner of Pirate Frigates - 0,588%
Pope Lucius I, "The Rejuvenator" - 3,33%
Prof. Iwa Ebashi, Pioneer of the Radioactive - 1,67%
Prof. Ram Devi, The Bundle of Energy - 0,625%
Rohit Bhargava, the Naval Architect - 0,588%
Saint D'Artois, Vision of the Valley - 3,33%
Sarah Bartok, The Golden Voice - 1,67%
Seraphim Papadikas, The Window Dresser - 0,588%
Sgt. Nicolas Gabriel, the Over-Achiever - 2%
Shih Yang, Sirer of Pirate Ships-of-the-line - 0,588%
Sir Charles Rafferty, Metropolitan Commissioner - 2%
Sir Milfoy Credenza-Belfry-Guscott, HM Ship Architect - 0,588%
Slinky Sinistra, Warlock of Pyrphorian Warships - 0,588%
Steven MacLeod, Geological Surveyor - 0,625%
Stilton Snood, Purveyor of Pyrphorian Monitors - 0,588%
Suspicia Slyhood, Begetter of Pyrphorian Battle Cruisers - 0,588%
Thomasina Langton, Promoter Extraordinaire! - 10%
Tlayolotl Savor, King of the Corn - 1,67%
Ursula Green, Guardian of the Forests - 0,588%
Victor Perfecto, Cigar Daddy - 1,67%
Wilma the Wild, Bearer of Barracudas - 1,43%

Hope this helps, however, if you need more information please let us know.

Thank you.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Originally Posted by rabnivoy
Hi people at Ubi,
Thanks for this reply. It closely resembles (or is maybe even identical to) the list I found on the fan wiki for Anno 1800.
However, this list contains only Legendary items, and that confuses me. Your colleague seemed to suggest that activating The Nose on an island would enhance the specialist pool, but not fully replace it. However, when I add up the percentages you've just given, it adds up to 100%, so this suggests that no other specialists should arrive at the public mooring when The Nose is active.

And yet, they do. As I explained in my original post.

So this is really confusing now, how is the item inteded to work? Should it activate a NEW specialist pool, with the given specialists and percentages? Or should it enhance the specialist pool that would normally be there for an island (based on its attractiveness etc.)? This really is a difference between your two answers and it basically either leaves my issue still standing (first option) or it was never an actual issue but the documentation seems to be incorrect then (second option).

I'm sorry if you think of me as a pain in the as* now. That's really not my goal, I'm just trying to figure out whether my game has an issue/bug or not.

Thanks in advance for another reply.
Hello! I'm sorry for the delay, and apologies for the confusion.

Although I don't have a guaranteed answer at hand, I believe the bouquet does in fact give you access to a new pool entirely, but we can try to get a better answer for you from our Anno team.

You mentioned that you're still receiving items outside of the legendary pool. Can you please name any items you received, or perhaps provide a video to present the issue?

I'm sure this is not an issue and I'm simply misunderstanding a mechanic, but of course we need to make sure we're giving the correct answer