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Hello, fellow Annoholics!

It may only be a misleading typo, but the text of the Narrows expedition event doesn't seem to match the actual choices available to the player; I am not sure however whether this is a bug, conditions unmet by the ship, or conditioning of the options by the captain's expectations when first starting the expedition (can't remember which they were, considering what's onboard I'd surmise hunting/diplomacy/force).

As the text reads (screenshot by the end of the topic), the player can "navigate carefully", "get a better view" or "send scouts ahead"; the boat taking care of the expedition is a battle cruiser, which lacks navigation bonuses yet onboard items provide a total +100. As displayed, there is no such option to "navigate carefully" however, which may not be intended as it fits the bold text.

Here is a link: (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nrFX19QfTGfsoGb_8zQM1h3QruPBBAyj/view?usp=share_link) on my Gdrive to the related save; as always my game is running with all DLCs, without any mods. Since I had barely loaded the game, the method to reproduce it would merely consist in bringing up the same event. Only a minor thing, but maybe an option really is missing there!

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-MrM - Direct link

@Mevelios Hi !

I've taken note of your report, and I wanted to thank you for all the details regarding this possible missing choice in "The Narrows" expedition !

It's been forwarded to the relevant Team, and we'll reach out once additional information is available.

Feel free to let us know if you have questions, or for any other Issue !

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Gouda - Direct link

Hey there @Mevelios!

We really appreciate the update! Our dev team wasn't able to locate the affected mission in the save file you provided- could you possibly send a save file with the mission where it only shows the two options? In addition to that, could you post a video clip showing this occurring in-game when you get to this expedition event?

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link

Hey @Mevelios

If you have another save from before the Arctic expedition started, we can pass this on to the team to try out instead for you so there'd be no need for you to keep trying to trigger it again yourself.

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link

Thanks @Mevelios

I've passed it along so they can take another look into it.