Original Post — Direct link

I bought the game copy and year 1 year 2 season pass on steam but the year 3 year 4 season pass bought it on Uplay.
I found that the steam version will cause a Memory Leak error. Memory will always be occupied and increased until the game crash reports an error.
Luckily is on free weekend so i can play the "uplay version".I found that the uplay version does not have this problem,the memory occupation is only about 4GB.
Now the free weekend is end there is no more uplay version i can play. due to memory leakage, I can't play normally. Please fix it as soon as possible

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Hey there @yjy16888 ,

Thank you for getting in touch and reporting this, sorry to see so much RAM is used when playing!

Do you have any screenshots captured from Task Manager while the game was running in Ubisoft Connect as a comparison?

May we please also know;

Thank you!

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Interesting, thank you for the update @yjy16888 !

I've taken a look and found your case and can see it's already been escalated to the Anno game team for further investigation, perfect!

They'll be taking a closer look into this there, so any further updates on this will be via your case, so please keep an eye out there.

I'll leave this thread open should other players need to report this too, but if you have any updates, please update your case so we can keep this information in one place.

And of course should I hear anything further on this myself, I'll update this thread.

Thank you!

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Karl - Direct link

Hey @Glorfinnin, thanks for getting through, welcome to forums and sorry to hear you and your friend group are having this issue as well.

First and foremost, can I kindly-check if you guys tried completing steps suggested by @Ubi-TheBerry and does starting the game in offline mode (as @yjy16888 mentioned) allow you to play or does memory leak error message still come up?

Also, did you possibly try reducing texture quality/resolution of the game, to see if problem persists?

Let us know and we will take it from there!

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-LadyBlue - Direct link

Thanks for updating us @glorfinnin. That is definitely a weird situation, to say the least, and my apologies that you're running into this.

Also hello @Rilli1337 and welcome to Discussions! I'm sorry to hear you've run into this "out of memory" error as well. Does it make a difference if you start the game in offline mode and through Ubisoft Connect as opposed to Steam?

Were both of you able to run through these troubleshooting steps (https://ubi.li/R2i0B and verify the files(https://ubi.li/0ttse?

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Hey guys,

Sorry for any issues with the links, the hyperlinking facility appears to be having issues, this has been reported but it may mean some previous links misbehave.

If you haven't yet done so, could you please give the PC troubleshooting steps in this guide a try, as well as verifying the game's files in Steam ( https://ubi.li/0ttse ) / Ubisoft Connect ( https://ubi.li/XXtuD ) and let us know if there's any changes?

If you continue to have issues, please open a case with us via our Support Site; https://ubi.li/AHIgv and attach your system files;
DxDiag: https://ubi.li/cALN9
MSinfo: https://ubi.li/cf9yx

We'll be more than happy to investigate further.

Thank you!