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In my current play-through, I could build the research institute, without first receiving the blueprint from the quest-line.

The video is still uploading, will take a while.

So, I got the blueprint, when I already finished phase 3.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-WheelyDuck - Direct link
Originally Posted by SirHarryPierce
In my current play-through, I could build the research institute, without first receiving the blueprint from the quest-line.

The video is still uploading, will take a while.

So, I got the blueprint, when I already finished phase 3.
Originally Posted by SirHarryPierce

Also crashed out for the first time.
Hey SirHarryPierce,

Thank you for your screenshot and sorry to hear that your game crashed, would it be possible to share the video with us so we can take a look?
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Viral - Direct link
Originally Posted by SirHarryPierce
At around 22 min in, I get the quest from an Engineer for building the research institute. Then at 1:10 I finish the institute. At 1:16 I get the blueprint.

Thank you for the video. So you can research, however, are you able to obtain the items? Are you able to research for example Hugo Mercier items?
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link
Thanks for sharing those videos SirHarryPierce, I have now reported this to the team, if you wouldn't mind leaving those videos up for us to view that would be great. I will let you know if the team get back to me with any questions about this for you, thank again, and thanks for time stamping the video.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link
Hello everyone, thanks for reporting this.

A similar issue was reported in another thread with the Research Institute behaviour. This player was able to pick up the quest using this method before acquiring a blueprint. Please see the 22 minute mark into the video - https://youtu.be/P1P5jTWrVxI?t=1332

At the 1 hour 16 second mark the player was then rewarded with a blue print. I have reported this to the team as there seems to be a bug with the Research Institute. Are any of you able to follow the steps this player took to be able to build the Research Institute also? Please let us know in the thread so we can further report on this, thank you.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link
Thanks for the extra screenshots SirHarryPierce, I am tracking this investigation and will update you all when I know more and the team gets back to me, thanks again for reporting on this everyone.
almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link
Hello ikibiki, thank you for contacting us about this quest line.

The Research Institute has two conditions you need to meet in order to unlock it -

The first one takes place within the story, if you decide to play the Enbesa story line, then the Research Institute will become unlocked when following the storyline.

If you decide to decline the story when you reached Enbesa and you don't have any story quests at all, you can obtain the Research Institute from gaining 1500 Elders instead.