@aestris Perfectly normal layout, 11/10
Next week Tuesday we're going to release Game Update 14.1.
Follow the link for the full Release Notes of the patch:
Look at these in-progress versions of the dung icon! - That didn't make it into the game... 💩
Originally planned for the "dung buff", we ultimately replaced it with the fertiliser icon for clarity reasons.
@Dulcamarra @aestris Professional sh*tposter, indeed...
@Reaperxma Hey, while we had an issue with the bonus ornaments following the release, it has since be fixed. So, if you still encounter this problem, please get in touch with our colleagues @UbisoftSupport so they can take a closer look.
Hey Anno Community, we have a quick update to share regarding the Community Challenge (you easily passed the target) and the upcoming vote for this year's third Cosmetic DLC 🔗
In our latest blog we share our plans for a patch to address your feedback and reports on DLC 10, and an update on the first Community Challenge — spoiler alert: You really love that fertiliser! 😳
@loljustgoaway You wouldn't even need to uninstall the free version since it's identical to the regular version :) Just purchase the Standard Edition and continue your save.
@loljustgoaway You will need the Standard Edition to continue your savegame from the Free Week, yes.
You won't need any of the DLC to continue playing, but can of course also get a version that includes those.
Make basins your new best friends in the “Seasons of Silver” scenario!
Collect and store precious rainwater during monsoon season, to endure the dry summer in Deserto de Prata.
Have you completed the scenario yet?
@Dansgaming: Live now checking out some @ANNO_EN 1800! They've got lots of new DLC since we last played.
Plus, by taking part in our Friend Referral Program, you will unlock a special reward if your friends try and buy the game!
What better way to convince your non-Annoholic friends to play Anno 1800 than a free week? Play the full Anno 1800 base game for free until April 19th:
A quick recap on DLC10 Release Week and the valuable feedback we've received from the Community:
The issue should now be fixed.
Please restart Ubisoft Connect, the game should afterwards greet you with a DLC 10 message upon starting.
Thank you for your patience.
We are aware of some players not seeing the new content in their game after the update. We're currently investigating this issue and will keep you updated.
Apologies for the inconvenience.
It's Release Day! 🎉 “Seeds of Change” and the “Seasons of Silver” scenario are now available. More info on the Anno Union:
Build the powerful Hacienda or take up the challenges of the scenario — what will be your first quest?
@gaboallrod The ornaments are not in the game yet but will be added with today's update, correct :)
@nickemp10 That would be 5PM for you today :)
The Season 4 Pass (and DLC 10) will be shown as owned as soon as it releases this afternoon.
Looks like a quiet day for our hacendados in the New World...
Little do they know, “Seeds of Change” will be released in less than 24 hours! How excited are you for tomorrow?