@Smorgasbork Oh no, here we go... 😄😜
@VladCarlsson We're extremely happy to be able to offer another year! 😊
@Fluchurama Yes and yes again! 😎
@Normul8or That was quick 😄
Nice summary!
@Acinoyx That's the kind of messages we love reading 😊
@maverickchanwhb We're not abandoning you ;) Currently the Season 2 Pass is not yet available in the Steam Store but will follow soon.
You are amazing! Thanks to you, #anno1800 has reached more than a million players in its first 9 months on the market, making it the fastest selling Anno ever! We want to thank you with this free ornament, available now in the game!
@PoeticRg Anno 1800 is exclusively available on Uplay and the Epic Games Store.
Construct a modular palace, revolutionize your farms with tractors and make the drylands of the Southern continent bloom: The #Anno1800 Season 2 Pass is here to immerse you even deeper in the industrial revolution! Available now
@DopeGeek_ 😏
It's almost time for our announcement(s)! Join us in 10min over on and see what we have in store for you for #Anno1800 in 2020!
@OmgItsTom_ Time well spent, right? 😄 How's the city coming along?
Less than 24h to go! Don't forget to tune in tomorrow, 5pm CET as we unveil our #Anno1800 plans for 2020... 👀
@TR3LON1ST The stream starts at 5PM CET (that's 4PM UTC) :)
Are you curios about what's next for Anno 1800? Then you should definitely save the date for next Monday and join us as we unveil the future of Anno 1800 live on twitch!
What do you think is coming next?
@CouchCatGaming1 Yeah, even if you burn down your city, you can still watch the dolphins 😄
We hope you'll stick around a bit longer - there are many more animals to find and new regions to explore ;)
Time for another Anno Afternoon in Anno 2070 with Ubi-Hanabi and Ubi-Thorlof. Join them on their underwater adventures now that Heart-City is finished. Starting in 5min at