We want to congratulate our former Executive Producer Burkhard and Senior Creative Director Dirk on their new exciting adventures at Ubisoft Mainz! At the same time, congratulations and a big welcome are in order for our new Game Director Manuel!
@DopeGeek_ We are working on... something 😉 Answers to your question will apear very soon.
@jasperwillem The stats usually synch with your most advanced savegame right after you close the game. There might occasionally be a delay, but except if there's an outage this shouldn't take longer than 24h.
Today's Union Update is for fans of audio(-visual) experiences: a Union Talk video, a podcast about environment sounds and details regarding the next Anno Afternoon stream. Head on over to
How do the environment sounds in #Anno1800 change based on camera zoom or when switching across sessions and from one end of the map to the other? Listen to the latest Game Makers podcast with members of Anno 1800's audio team.
@Karahcoles Coop session with the bird confirmed? 😃
Very chilled friend, thank you for sharing!
@jasperwillem Can't beat the photo of a cute sleeping cat 😍
To end the week, we want to share this great piece of fan art! 😊 Setsuku shared her drawing of Bente Jorgensen on the Annoverse Discord and gave us permission to post it here. Bente clearly lives in a warmer place than we do right now...
@UBISITE Oh noooo! Hope you'll feel better soon 😋
You're not the only one excited!
@RAPiDCasting @Com_Raven We feel like this requires more research
So, birds apparently are really into #Anno1800!
Anyone else got pets who love building a city or two?
@Jakob_Hammer Are we there yet?
@Pxndxh92 Hey, we can definitely forward this suggestion to the team, but can't promise if and when this might be implemented.
Today's Anno Afternoon is starting in just 5 minutes! Is "heart shape" a valid city layout in Anno 2070? Watch Ubi-Thorlof and Ubi-Hanabi try it out over on
@PShansho Hey, we're absolutely planning more content for this year and will soon have news on this topic :)
A new Union Update is here! Learn about Friday's Anno Afternoon with Ubi-Thorlof and Ubi-Hanabi and take a look what's going on in the community.
@Quass98 We feel you. And the more you build, the more you have to walk around in. Tricky...
@UBISITE We know, the timing isn't optimal for everyone. Almost impossible to find the "perfect" time, unfortunately 🙁
@UBISITE Ohhh, now you got us curious! 😮
@Quass98 So, after a few days - how's it being back in the world of Anno 1800? Did you still recognize your old city? Or did you start a new game? 😉