about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by artifex28

Paging /u/BioCamden and /u/T0TALfps

3770K @ 4.5GHz, RTX 2080, 32GB DDR3 1333MHz, Anthem on SSD, Windows 7 64bit.

Issue is that both CPU and GPU usage is LOWish. 50-70%.

I have tried setting different pre-render frames values from nVidia control panel, but no help there. Apparently some people had help with this on Battlefield, but they were able to open console in the game and set the in-game values to certain values as well.

Changing graphical settings / resolution won't impact this really either. Yes, I have latest nVidia drivers and yes, I have max performance settings from everywhere. Temperatures are good (65-70C).

This is the only game I recall having this issue. Other games utilize GPU 100%.

I am forced to tune down details / even resolution to keep the game on reasonable FPS (~60). For some unknown reason the game just is unable to use the GPU/CPU properly?

10+ people have reported this issue on EA/Anthem Technical Support forum, but there's no reply from EA/Bioware

Hey Artifex I appreciate you reaching out and tagging me. I’m unfortunately not able to speak to PC performance and why our game appears to be running at sub-optimal CPU and GPU usage for your PC. I’ll try to pass this along to the team responsible.

Keep in mind that this is a branched build we took nearly 2 months ago off main development. It is not reflective of final build.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by TrendK


Om ps4 during the i tend to have an audio bug from time to time. The audio seems to cut momentarily. Can you explain the issue?

Not sure what is causing this but it’s something we have received reports about. Thanks TrendK!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Danknoodle420

Had this same issue last week...

When I start the game I just closes itself out with no error.

Last week the problem seemed to fix itself. This weekend the problem is back and yet again I am unable to play.

I really hope launch doesn't do this shit to me.


I'm only tagging so I can possibly get some help.

I emailed support last week when it was doing this same thing and their "troubleshooting" steps ended in me doing a full reinstall of origin which screwed me because I have really bad internet. The entirety of the troubleshooting tips did not help so I gave up. A day later I tried launching it and it worked the next 2 days. Now, we are back to the same issue I dealt with once already.

E: let's get this comment thread up voted for visibility. Seems a lot more people are having this issue than I thought. I figured it was an isolated incident but it seems to be further stretched than previously believed.

Hey Danknoodle appreciate the tag but I’m not really qualified to give technical troubleshooting to get the game running. I went ahead and searched for your problem and I found some forum posts related:


about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by xenofei

So Ice Storm is a priming ability for the Storm. It's supposed to have a recharge (cooldown) when used--however, it seems that you can abuse the ability by not letting it continue once it comes close to the ending burst. Once you count 5 bursts (at least with no ability modifiers), you can stop and then re-cast the ability.

This makes it to where the Storm can infinitely freeze enemies without shields in-place and ignore the recharge rate--setting a ton of enemies up for countless combos.

u/BioCamden Is this intended, or am I looking at it too hard? Might need to be re-balanced in the future.

Thanks for the report Xenofei! This is something that we have already adjusted and addressed since Demo. It was certainly unbalanced.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Khiell

(PC user) VIP demo have had this very same issue and it's still a thing.

/u/biocamden /u/BenIrvo can you help us ?

On Twitter Mark Darrah try to help but...


As far I can tell it's not a NAT PunchThrough issue for me (change my network topology, create my own NAT/PAT rules, etc...) but a conflict with another program maybe.

Hey Khiell, unfortunately I’m not able to troubleshoot technical issues like the one you’ve described. Please check out our Anthem forums (https://answers.ea.com/t5/Technical-Issues/bd-p/anthem-technical-issues-en) or contact Customer Experience at https://help.ea.com/en/anthem/anthem/.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Fahn414


crashed in the stronghold while carrying the last artifact towards circular platform. Logged back in and the artifact disappeared so my group was not able to continue the stronghold, since we were unable to pickup and place the artifact(it was nowhere to be found)

edit: on PC

Thanks for the report Fahn, I’ll pass this on to the team. Appreciate the details provided.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Khiell


I'm on the forum too so I create my own topic. Can you help me getting in touch with someone that can help me now ?

Hey Khiell no I’m sorry that is all managed by the Customer Experience team. I just try to help do air traffic control where I can and point folks to where they can get help, or answer what I can if I know it myself.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by corrupt_undead

I reported this issue last weekend as well, but I am still having major issues with dark areas of the game being way too dark. I have my computer monitor calibrated at a 6500K White point, 160 cd/m2 Luminance, 2.20 Gamma and a balanced contrast radio.

A good example of the issue I'm having is at the beginning of the Tyrant Mine. When flying through the cave everything goes completely black to the point that I can't see anything. About 90% of the time I just end up slamming into walls and have to feel my way out. This also holds true during the portions of the mission where I have to swim. Once I hit the water I basically can't see anything.

Additionally, I have tried multiple different calibrations on my monitor to try and counteract this, and I've tried adjusting brightness in game (including turning it all the way to the max), but nothing helps. This is also the only game I have this issue with.

/u/BioCamden, I really like this game, but this issue is making it extremely hard to play. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Here's some example screenshots. https://imgur.com/a/xDNrRkA and here's a better example https://imgur.com/a/0GiDVTQ

When I view this on my PC or cellphone the walls to the sides and to the rear of the doorway are just pure black.

Edit: Adding a screenshot

Edit 2: More screenshots

Hey corrupt, thanks for the report and the details. I’m largely not familiar with our video/graphics settings but you may want to try adjusting some of those as well outside of just the brightness. I also had some change in colors/brightness when I swapped between full screen or windowed mode. Otherwise hit UI the forums to see if they can offer more troubleshooting tips.


about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by TrendK


While playing the stronghold i tend to get some frame rate drops. This happens at the part where you're fending off the infinte waves of spiders.

Also, when i complete an expedition instead of going back to Ft. Tarsism it boots me to the title screen.

Most people are thinking your demo build is the actual version you'll be releasing. Think you can go on the other megathread and shed some light on the difference between this build and the launch one?

Hey TrendK! Appreciate the heads up and the report. I’ve mentioned it before but I’m not sure I can give more exposure than Ben, Darrah, or Gamble have covered in terms of the differences between demo and release (https://twitter.com/biomarkdarrah/status/1086663802043559936?s=21).

Really it’s just reiterating that we’ve had 6-8 weeks of bug fixing, performance optimization, and other quality of life improvements since then. There will of course still be things we need to fix after launch, but holistically it will be different and improved.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Fried_Fish_Filet

Are you planning on making any changes for temporary internet disconnections? My internet will cut out for literally under 2 seconds and it completely kicks me out of the game, and roughly 25% of the time the rejoin group function doesn't work. I know the simple answer is to get more consistent internet, but i'm already on a fiber connection using Ethernet so there isn't much beyond that I can do.

Well the fix there should be encompassed in the rejoin expedition function working properly. If there are issues with that feature (which there appear to have been in the demo) we’ll do what we can to look into it. Did you have more in mind outside of that?

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Danknoodle420

Thank you for taking the time and replying but it seems that thread pinpoints amd phenom II and X4 as the culprits yet I have an Intel I5-8600k. I was able to play Saturday during the vip demo, I skipped Sunday due to the rubberbanding.

I was given an update a few days ago as everyone else was. Yet today, when I tried to launch the game for the first time during the open demo weekend, I run into the same issue I had at the start of the vip demo.

The previous troubleshooting customer support did not alleviate the issue so I conceded to the game. The next day I decided to give it another go and it opened first try and I was able to launch the game for the rest of the Vip demo. I work this weekend so I didn't have a chance to try and launch yesterday but I decided to hop on today before I end up sleeping and I run back into the same issue.

Customer support was no help so I figured maybe asking a member of the community feedback team could help. If not, maybe they would guide me to the right place.

Again, thanks for the assistance.

Hey Danknoodle, yeah unfortunately I’m not really a community manager and I’m less involved in tech troubleshooting side. My expertise and responsibilities are as Development Manager for the combat and creatures teams. I’d suggest keeping an eye on those forums and trying to get an expert there, or reaching out to the community managers there.

Sorry I couldn’t be more help.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Danknoodle420

Apologies for dragging you into this. Didn't really notice the flair until now. Thanks for all the help you have provided though.

Great support though. Shows the love you guys have put into the game. Let's hope EA didn't spoil too much.

All good! I know you're just trying to play and enjoy the game. I'll dig into it and see if there is any more info I can provide.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by HadesVampire

Not sure if I'm in the right spot to post. But u/biocamden - yesterday I'll was able to see the hit points my powers and weapons were inflicting. Today, I wasn't able to see that at all. I had no idea if I was doing damage on the Stronghold Boss as my gun damage was so insignificant, that there isn't a visible decrease during battle. I plus I liked that visible marker in my decision making for continuing to use a gun.

I'm on a PS4 with a 1 TB HDD.

There is an option for floating text size, did they perhaps accidentally get changed? Is this still happening?

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by HadesVampire

No idea, I'll check tomorrow and let you know what happens.

Edit: I didn't mess with my settings this morning before playing.

Thank you for responding!

I figured you probably didn’t but figured I’d ask. I haven’t heard other reports of missing floaties yet, let me know.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by HadesVampire

Turns out I did turn them off. I guess I thought they were the the dying indicator, like redness edging the screen. Turned them back on and my damage done is back. My apologies, completely forgot I was looking around settings.

No worries! Just glad it wasn’t something else haha. <3

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by xsnowshark

When I pre-ordered the game a week ago, I was supremely disappointed that I was not able to take part in the VIP demo because of some unknown issue where I would get stuck at the title screen. No one that I gave my friend codes too had this issue, though, and EA's help desk was absolutely worthless. Now comes this weekend's event, and I am STILL getting stuck at the title screen. Is this what I can expect from the full game u/BioCamden?

Hey snow, what platform are you playing on and what error are you getting specifically? I would definitely encourage you to try making a new origin account if you want to try that. Other folks have had success deleting their locally saved game data or reinstalling the game.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by corrupt_undead

/u/BioCamden, I discovered the root cause of my issue. For whatever reason when the colorblind options are used it completely messes up the brightness and contrast in the game. With these options disabled I no longer have an issue.

That’s awesome corrupt thanks for the info

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by xsnowshark

Hey, thanks for getting back to me. I've been trying to get the demo to work on PC, and have tried deleting the game and re-downloading it, as well as deleting the Origin cache. EA also tried to give me a different copy of the demo (as they put it) in hopes that the new code associated with that copy would let me make it past the title screen, but this still didn't work. Does this sound like an issue on my end, or would it be occurring on the Anthem server side?

Yeah that’s definitely interesting, my other best guess would be network settings for your home network? Are you able to connect to other origin or EA network games online? I’m pretty out of ideas at this point unfortunately, tech troubleshooting is definitely not me forte. May want to check out https://answers.ea.com/t5/Anthem/ct-p/anthem-en and make a post to see if other folks have had the same problem or if a community expert can shed any additional light.