@Ty_Stover @KurtStadelman Where do I buy this?
If you guys don't follow my pal @_jdodd, you should. 🙂
Some good thoughts from him on our current situation, what we're trying to encourage and support through Stay and Play, and more.
Happy Monday, everyone!
@andrearene Omg I’m dying 🤣
@steimer Keto life! I’m back on it myself, eggs and bacon or sausage most mornings 😋
@Philly1993 They embody the goals of everyone at the studio. @CaseyDHudson put them in place.
@GamingEthos Just barely dodged getting roasted by @Mr_iKeepitreal.
@dadgotgametv: I love when my kids come play video games with me....most of the time. Fun little bit of @anthemgame gameplay!
Bumping this. Come work with me. Don'y worry, we will use ZOOM to interview you :)
All you technical director types - you're going to want to look at this opportunity. https://t.co/r8pD6nEUdo
@BioMarkDarrah this is how you keep getting followers. well. maybe ill just share som...nevermind.
@TheChrisMorgan @ericinamine @pandorasbl0x @Chrixeleon @fakegamerpigeon @cityfires @SodaDrinkerPro @jempanada3 @TomGreen1283 @shybutnotshy @KyleNeverWong @TheDonWan @StarDustShadow @b00sterAu @Darokaz @CadenHouse I've already been tagged on this, but here it is.
@cmariee @NemTrap @_jdodd @itsdancrowd @markusfrieske FILM CLUUUUBBB
@NemTrap @_jdodd @itsdancrowd @markusfrieske @cmariee I'm using this weekend of not going anywhere (again) to invest in my Zoom calls future. I'm about to turn my setup into a movie set.
@itsdancrowd @_jdodd
@twitgera look at you and your fancy cloth mask.
@TheBabeLover @rickrossgrunt15 @laczonal89 Not usually. But...i had a different calling this time around...
@tibermoon oh.....oh god..
Streaming over at ! I bit my tongue and am talking funny, please come make fun of me 😭
@sporer @JustinMasonFWFB @ohjenxo @MrsDSalinger Ally McBeal really is extremely underrated.
@laczonal89 they can, and will. but you only get to launch once and im sure they'll want to have the biggest impact