Just finished The Room VR. Really well-done VR puzzling in the spooky style of the series. Awesome job @Fireproof_Games !
@HopeVidyas @Gabi__Reina I’ll add you to the Slack.
My goofy boy, I love him so much ☺️
@HopeVidyas There are a lot of resources.
@EAStarWars: That's all the codes for today! We'll be doing more giveaways next week so be sure to keep your eyes peeled. Have a great w…
@johnhornor Awesome, thanks for the reply. Just bought the lot of them and am looking forward to diving in!
@MLozada @_jdodd @elgatogaming @CanonUSA @CORSAIR
@johnhornor Where is the best place to start?!
@sledgehammer70 @iRobot We just ordered the E5.
These are 🤩
Even if you already own the game - Good chance to share with a friend who hasn’t played yet!
@MannyHagopian @frozenfroh
@Neiloch1 @TheBabeLover This is true, and normally I have that option, but with so many other people streaming right now I didn’t stop to think about how it could not be there. I’ll look at possibly dropping it to 720p for now.
@ohjenxo Ayyyyy congrats.
Best first person shooter of all time there I said it.
And we’re live! I even managed to get a death counter added to the stream. Any guesses how many I’ll get up to? 😁 https://twitter.com/Darokaz/status/1248396056284385287
@AeterRific You in? Want to join me in getting destroyed by punchy monsters?
@emercis I should run up to you in FFXIV as a potato Dragoon 😂
I'll be going up against Raging Brachydios and Furious Rajang tonight in MHW Iceborne! I'm likely to die at least a few times 😅
I'll be starting at 8:30pm CT over at:
@JayKingIngram Jay I might need a Friday report.....