@TheTeawrex Ok, now that is just too cute!
@AlainBaxter I immediately freaked out about my whiteboards...
@gospodindpakoh Correct. This should fix any client issues for PC players.
Release notes for update 1.6.2 are ready for you, Freelancers!
Here are the update notes for Anthem patch 1.6.2.
@BoMarit89 @maquannas @StevenIsbell
Dante didn’t want to sleep in his crate last night, and woke me up at 1am....but I just love this little guy so much! He’d only sleep with me holding him, or on my feet ☺️
@UNTDrew He made multiple appearances 🙂
@Darokaz If the guud boah isn’t on stream, we riot.
Also, you can follow me on @letterboxd if you’re into that sort of thing.
Okay, literally nobody asked, but here are my top 10 films of 2019.
Live with some FFXIV over at ! Hanging out with my pup Dante ☺️
@PlantsvsZombies: Didja miss us? 👋 Live from Neighborville, hosted by @AeterRific is back this Friday (24 jan) @ 2PM PT 💪 🛎
Going to stream some Final Fantasy XIV tonight.....and Dante might make an appearance if he isn’t passed out 😁
@SJ_Selina Nope 😢
Your weekly briefing is ready for you. Take a knee and read up on what's changing this week.
@steimer Also putting them back from highest to lowest weight. Nobody wants to move two 45 plates to get to the 25 pound one!
I just wanna be at home playing Monster Hunter with this little guy on my lap 😭
@chibikimisbest Nice! You've gotten ahead of me, I need to work on the guiding lands more this week...