This is how I gamed tonight, he’s just so darn cute! I know I won’t be able to do this much longer since he’s going to get MUCH bigger, but I’ll enjoy it while I can ☺️
@p_brandster Lab mix! We aren’t sure what he’s mixed with. His mom is a purebred lab, don’t know who the dad is.
@clreit We gave it a few hours 😁
@justbiglee My kids can’t pronounce Gibraltar 😂
And his name is Dante!
@clreit Not sure yet. He’s pretty chill, likes to play but not too crazy. He really likes being held and sitting on your lap. Trying to base the name on his personality if we can...
He played, he ate, now he sleeps ❤️
@Noblest_Steed I’ll dress him up as baby Yoda and sneak him in 😁
@TheMavShow He’s a lab mix, his mom was a purebred lab, dad is unknown. I’m really curious so we’ll likely have a test done when he’s a bit older.
And here is the newest addition to the family! We’re still hanging out with him to see his personality before giving him a name.
@ohjenxo I saw it last night, great movie.
@Cinderellimouse Oh I’ll be sure to share pictures of him 🙂
Well, after saying which puppies were our favorite to the lab rescue folks....we got Teo! That’s his temporary name, so now I need to figure out a good one with the family.
@monsterhunter: Hunters, here is the latest Monster Hunter World: #Iceborne Title Update Roadmap for 2020.
Content will sync up on PS4,…
Been a while since I bought an amiibo, couldn’t pass this one up 😁
Cliff Booth at Spahn Ranch is the most rewatchable scene of any movie in 2019.
I have spoken.
@alex_frostwolf They all had that pattern in their coats, some more prominent than others. The mom is a purebred lab, they don’t know who the dad(s) are.
Went and saw about 12 puppies today and now we have a day to decide which one we’d like to adopt. My heart melted when I met this little guy, Teo.
@maze518: Heading to @pax South 2020 this weekend? Swing by the Latinx Lounge on Sunday to learn about leveling up your game development…