#PAXSouth was fun, but there were so many people I didn't get to talk to that I was hoping to bump into 🙁
Next trade show I go to I need to stay for longer than half a day!
@vicious696 That’s the one I have, it’s fantastic!
@GlitterBroker @ABakerN7 Will do!
@GlitterBroker @ABakerN7 I just saw those myself here at the show 🙂
Oh hey it’s a @MoonLiteWolfPro at #PAXSouth
I have arrived! #PAXSouth
@BlairBroon This meme also applies to when Community Managers post patch notes.
@stephensonmc I’ve been asking myself the same exact questions.
@chibikimisbest I’m always happy to team up!
@steinekin @WatchMixer
@snakeboxmedia Yep! I love it, now the true grind begins for awesome gear 😁
Gonna see if I can finish the final boss in MHW Iceborne tonight! Stop by and say hi or stick around to chat!
@TorbisXD Do what you must, but make sure you take care of yourself! 😂
Thought about streaming something else tonight, but I need to finish up the main story in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne! Gotta get to those guiding lands 😏
I'll be live at 8:30pm Central Time over at
@emercis Heading down tomorrow morning!
@Kahjahkins I'll see your idea and raise you one "Partyman" by Prince (1989)
Frost and embers. The latest Icetide lore story, Bountiful Hunt, is live, freelancers!
@vicious696 It’ll be okay.
@CDPROJEKTRED ❤️ you, CDPR. Can't wait to play it when it's done.
@vicious696 The timing on this Tweet.