Finishing up the main story in MHW Iceborne on PC! Next up, RGB dragon 😁 Streaming now over at
@Deity7 @StackUpDotOrg I’ll swing by to say hi on Friday.
@HollanderCooper This will haunt my dreams.
@EAStarWars @Respawn For those curious about download sizes...
PC: ~470 MB PlayStation 4: ~148 MB Xbox One: ~362 MB
We've got a patch going live today for #JediFallenOrder.
Read the details here:
@stephensonmc Delete this.
@Mayagc @AdamTanielian @markusfrieske @dan_mitre @Darokaz @cmariee @ohjenxo @CadenHouse
@AdamTanielian @Mayagc @markusfrieske @dan_mitre @Darokaz @cmariee @ohjenxo @CadenHouse Look what you’ve done, Maya.
And we're live with some Final Fantasy XIV over at ! Swing on by and say hi or stick around to chat about video games!
@bioware: ♫ #MassRelays
@Mayagc @UNTDrew @cmariee @ohjenxo @CadenHouse @dan_mitre @markusfrieske I can't send an official invite over a phone Maya!
@Mayagc @UNTDrew @cmariee @ohjenxo @CadenHouse @dan_mitre @markusfrieske I mean, if you wanna get invited to the parties you gotta be open to communication, just saying....
@Darokaz @Mayagc @cmariee @ohjenxo @CadenHouse
@Mayagc @cmariee @UNTDrew @ohjenxo @CadenHouse Sorry, I couldn't send you a DM on Twitter to invite you...
@Mayagc @cmariee @UNTDrew @ohjenxo @CadenHouse I just know you're a world traveler, and Texas is not one of your destinations 😁
@Mayagc @cmariee @UNTDrew @ohjenxo @CadenHouse Aren't you going to be in Egypt or something at this time? 😂
@GeekChickTV Happy Birthday!!
@Mayagc I have my doubts about the validity of your statement.
@SarcasmImcluded @anthemgame The team is still in the process of granting those to everyone.