@eddienic73 Open demo
@GamekNightPlay By doing the critical path, you’ll get a bunch of coin. Same with the side missions. This is like currency in any game - rpg, action or otherwise - that you can spend in the game to make yourself look incredible :)
@clay_hammer: I love Anthem. I'm ready for the full game. @CaseyDHudson @BioMarkDarrah @GambleMike @BenIrvo @Bio_Warner
@Kiliarara @CaseyDHudson @GambleMike @anthemgame Nice!
@ladyinsanity The most fun
@CaseyDHudson @DjBrestrich We are aware of this on PS4. This has been fixed for the main title.
@IanNathaniel96 @BenIrvo @BioMarkDarrah Don’t worry about it. Just keep playing but try to finish your mission within that time
@DjBrestrich @GambleMike Will check it out. What platform?
Some Ranger action. #AnthemGame
@Jeffsmith5084 @PaulTassi @The_Amun_Ra Yeah, it’s true. Depending on what issues you’re seeing - let me know
@JCNew82 @PaulTassi Yeah that was known and publicized last weekend. You need to approach him slowly before talking (it’s loading related)
@Darokaz: Here is a list of reported issues for the #AnthemGame demo that the team is working on or have already fixed in the full relea…
@UNTDrew: Anthem Open Demo | Community Update - Feb. 1st
Have game feedback or some cool stories from th…
@PaulTassi Interceptor has become my fav. After many months.
@ninjabunnae @BioMarkDarrah @BenIrvo Yeah just give it a try. Delete and resownload
@codyb_spirit @Bio_Warner @BioMarkDarrah @UNTDrew Unofficially. I think there’s a program which makes it work. The tagged gents might know
@SoftSheets @EAHelp @anthemgame @BenIrvo Yup - that’s not one of the fixes we brought over for the weekend. If you approach him slowly it works.
@EcoECHO6 :)
Thanks! Really glad you’re enjoying it - and your javelin designs look 🔥🔥🔥 https://twitter.com/Kiliarara/status/1091547562593546240
It isn’t obeying the safe zone. You should be able to adjust your tv to fix. Option in main game