@The_Ur_Quan: Ok, that's seriously awesome: "Anthem Javelins" by MuHut @anthemgame
@FreelancerCodex See? SEE????
You may be noticing the weather...changing
@oratsavong @DevonFr46826447 Yeah. Keep playing. @EAHelp is putting together messaging on when you see that
@MrAfroCulture See my earlier note about patching the main issue which was discovered last weekend. We are doing our best here.
@LegionDawn: Ranger in the storm #AnthemDemo #XboxShare
Oh yeah. It’s dangerous out there
@JusticarStef @Shadowspecter22 @BenIrvo @BioMarkDarrah The leader sets the difficulty. But there is individually also some scaling to player level
@jubinsh It’s what I said in the tweet above
As long as you are not in a Respawn restricted area you can. Otherwise you have to wait to be repaired or Party Wipe
@Arekkz: NEW VIDEO! ANTHEM | High Level Masterwork Gear - Storm, Interceptor, Colossus & Ranger
@Toney_Mo Stealth tank with heavy munitions and a desire to smash. Good luck ;p
@RyanCentral_ Same. Same here.
@LoriiPops They are all special in heir own way #prouddad
So cool!
@GambleMike: You may have seen that we patched the demo client yesterday. It was to address various infinite load issues - didn’t have…
@anthemgame: Would you make the same choice? #AnthemGame
@HunterJ13575463 It’s a bug
@Ladies0fDestiny @dadsofdestiny @DamesOfDestiny That would be TOO perfect