@AustinA20943060 @GambleMike @Bio_Warner Classic. Turtle power!!
@ninjabunnae @BioMarkDarrah @BenIrvo Have you tried reinstalling the client, by chance?
@ThatVanguard Nope
@kenekai444 @BenIrvo Fixed in main game
@connor48673237 @EAHelp
@croco_Taco Hey Ed! Yeah it’s open for everyone. Miss you too dude.
🤪 https://twitter.com/SevynDaze/status/1091517044670038016
@anthemgame: Your gear score is an indication of how powerful your javelin is. Adjust your gear, weapons, and components to suit your pl…
@RickKackis: The last thing you'll see after killing an innocent Grabbit 😤
@sta_fortis Ugh. Sorry man. I know it sounds weird but have you tried reinstalling ?
@Edward39829767 Thanks for pointing it out? Gonna fix that up for you
@gprogrammer39 Yes
@The_Ur_Quan: Ok, that's seriously awesome: "Anthem Javelins" by MuHut @anthemgame
@PaulTassi And then it all came back :)
@Darokaz: Here is a list of reported issues for the #AnthemGame demo that the team is working on or have already fixed in the full relea…
@Beck_Plays_ @UNTDrew ASAP!
@Anthemuniverse: @UNTDrew @BenIrvo Thanks AJ! Our guide on the Launch Bay and Alliance System may be of use too:
@Dialorn2001 Yes
The Storm channels the raw energy of the Anthem to hover over the battlefield and dish out damage. #AnthemGame
@YaasCheese Yeah. Totally aware of that one. Sorry pal