@dreddpool82 We had to branch 6 weeks ago to stabilize for certification. Thousands of changes have been made since then. We have to pick and choose to try to get the best build we can.
We will look into it, thank you for the feedback
@Commando_Wraith Yes
@TURION__X @GambleMike :)
@KillColdxo @GambleMike @Bio_Warner Woot!
@vitotaylor36 @Ganon136 @GambleMike @Darokaz @pentapod @bioware Glad you all had fun!
@JustinMelchor2 Like right now? The demo is over and the servers are offline so we can fix things for next week
@anthemgame: Thank you for playing Anthem. The VIP Demo is now closed. Reminder that all your progress will carry over to the Open Demo.…
@SunhiLegend: #AnthemDemo
Thank you for playing Anthem. The VIP Demo is now closed. Reminder that all your progress will carry over to the Open Demo. More details on the Open Demo, and the improvements that go with it, coming tomorrow. Open Demo kicks off next weekend, February 1. See you then!
We have some plans for this post launch
Same shapes for both. It is after all an 8 foot tall exosuit. But you can customize the shape with different parts and pieces and of course materials and colors also.
@enbyprincex: @bioware @anthemgame @CaseyDHudson The #AnthemVIPDEMO has been gorgeous and I'm absolutely hyped to recreate these three…
@Lintufriikki: I enjoyed the Anthem demo a lot, despite all the connection difficulties! I loved playing Interceptor and it might be my…
Damage reduction bonus while in hover
@jxckson___ Some people have been stuck on the start screen
@LegendaryMarvel @anthemgame @EAHelp @Bio_Warner No that’s a new one. Thank you
@HKRCVI @anthemgame @BenIrvo That’s so awesome to hear. Ugh. Seriously THANK YOU for telling us that.
You get unlocks as you level (weapon slots, gear slots, components, difficulty levels). Defines the loot you get also, higher is better