@abetanc289 @BenIrvo yes. Many are fixed in main game. Flying opens up that possibility space really wide
@Clashwiththecod No
@njpinker It is an older build
@MikeThinksAloud Yes it will have our fixes applied
@Imactuallyjorge Did you fully shut down the game and restart it? Also tag @EAHelp and @crobertson_atx
@timetwochange I hope you can come back for weekend 2 and play
Thanks for your patience and your time!
@Uchihakid1327 Yes, and thanks!
@RealJackTheBus: Not gonna lie guys, I’m kind of already in love w/ @anthemgame - some of the most satisfying gameplay mechanics I’ve ex…
Not a bug. Our thanks for participating in the VIP demo weekend.
Thank you so much for playing!
As a further thank you, all four javelins are available now in the Forge for players who have played in this weekend’s demo. Won’t get a chance to jump in? They will be waiting for VIP participants next weekend!
Log out and back in to see them if you’re in game.
@crobertson_atx: As a further thank you, all four javelins are available now in the Forge for players who have played in this weekend’s…
@FOX13373: I run this on High and few settings on Ultra and this trully looks incredible, i have to say good job to @bioware for making…
@Charles_Boyd @BenIrvo Thanks, Charles! #StrongerTogether
@BlazeofCory @anthemgame Thank you, sir! Back at you.
@cgouskos Thanks, Carrie! Kind words. The team is great!
@_katbella: Having a blast with #Anthem! But my friend keeps throwing flares at my face! We love the game so far @CaseyDHudson @BioMarkD…