@shadow_of_arman: Damn this game is beautiful... I hope there is a true screenshot mode in the final game. Right now I'm just using the…
@ExecutiveG: Despite the complications, I really enjoyed this work of art and look forward to every piece of the full release. Thanks gu…
@wardenofmyheart: Storm is simply 🔥❄⚡#anthem #mystorm #icouldntlovethismoreifitried @CaseyDHudson @anthemgame @bioware @justinmasse #tha…
@danlowlows: The Anthem transition to flight may be one of my favourite pieces of gameplay animation and effects work ever.
@ComicBook: Here's why Anthem isn't the "Destiny Clone" some keep insisting it is:
Wow - nice!
Anthem VIP Demo End of Day Updates:
@RedDeadRiot @BioMarkDarrah @GambleMike Go Ducks!
Thanks! It’s awesome to see lots of players discovering this world for themselves.
@PrincessThammyC @anthemgame Thanks, will look into this.
Some details and a thank-you from our Head of Live Service @crobertson_atx
Day 1 of the VIP Demo didn't go as planned. We'd like to let you know what happened and what we're doing to fix it.
Note from our BioWare Head of Live Service, Chad Roberston:
@TheRoyalty6 Black and gold!
If you are still having connection issues we have an update here that might help:
Nice screenshots!
For all of you playing the VIP demo, thank you for your patience. As of now, Xbox One, PS4 and PC players should not have issues accessing the VIP demo. We are still working hard to resolve some known issues, and you can track them here:
@EAHelp: Anthem VIP Demo - Day 2 Update:
Solved most of the access problems, with many more people playing now. Tracking down some other issues. Details here.