@EAHelp: We’ve made some changes that should improve Xbox connectivity for the #AnthemVIP demo. If you’re running into issues try resta…
Thanks again for your patience everyone. Working hard to get things solved for you. You can check out the issues we’re tracking and updates on them here:
Anthem VIP Demo - Day 1 Update:
@EAHelp: The main issue impacting the Anthem VIP demo on PC and PS4 has been resolved. Anyone who has had an issue on those platforms sh…
@EAHelp: Our login services are recovering and we're seeing improved stability. We are still looking into other service issues for Xbox…
Turns out to not be a server capacity issue. Seems to be a different issue that didn’t come up in previous scale testing. Teams are on it...
@EAHelp: We're now also looking into login issues across all of our games and services, including the #AnthemGame demo. Hang tight--we'r…
@EAHelp: We're looking into the infinite loading issue with the #AnthemGame demo. In the meantime, try relaunching the game and rejoinin…
Hey folks! Thanks for your patience as we scale up Anthem for the very first time! Team’s working hard to get everyone in.
@EAHelp: We're adding more server capacity to the #Anthem demo right now. Hang tight while we work to get everyone into the game.
Some more...
The Interceptor is built for speed — lightning fast and incredibly agile to get you in and out of harm's way.
@EAHelp: If you're trying to use a friend code for the #Anthem VIP demo on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, you should be able to log in and…
Tomorrow is the time. #AnthemGame
@CabLivingstone: The voice behind Matthias, a brilliant, but reckless researcher of Shaper relics, @Vik__Sahay . A triple threat in #Ant…
Big day tomorrow. It’s the start of the VIP demo weekend for @anthemgame and we’re excited for you to try it out! Here are some codes...
Are you ready for the #AnthemGame VIP Demo?
What you need to know: