@StarWarsExplain: We won the first #StarWars Squadrons tournament!
@BridgeTheMan @BokaLaBoca Orange slices are for mediocre beer and photoshop is for mediocre memes.
@steve85uk I’m sorry to hear that, man. Hoping you hear some good news soon!
@TheClapperton 👀
Please just #vote.
Show up. ✋
Wear a mask. 😷
Do whatever it takes to make your voice count. 🗣
@tweetcharisreid @EASPORTS @EA Uhhh... You know what? I can't even remember what my official title was. Social Content Video Editor, I think?
It seems like a lifetime ago, but I originally joined to make videos for the @EASPORTS website. Things like tutorials for Madden, NCAA Football, NHL, etc.
The videos expanded to things like podcasts, livestreams and event coverage. Cool way to get my foot in the door at @EA.
What was your first ever job in the games industry? I’d be interested to see responses from game devs that have been in the industry for a long time, have you switched disciplines?
Love seeing stuff like this popping up in the #StarWarsSquadrons community. Check out this VOD of the Operation Ace Tournament!
In case you missed the excitement when it was live, the VOD is now up on YouTube! Check it out here: https://t.co/qBFBQDxs0V
@steinekin @Darkness429
@ehlien Amazing work!
The most adorable thing ever. ♥️
Hey so there’s an AI character in the brand new Star Wars: Squadrons video game named “Puyo Bock” There’s a really sweet story behind that name... 😊😊😊 https://t.co/0i6AqHp8wX
@A7ZATRU: At 5pm BST the @SWOperationAce tournament will be live! Join us at we fight to bring peace across the galaxy.
Watch here: htt…
Started playing @SurvivalistsT17 and this game is really cool!
Highly recommend giving it a try if you have @AppleArcade.
Hi All - I hope everyone is staying safe and in good spirits. Awesome discussions as usual. Nothing new to report on this Friday. We are making progress though.... stay tuned. 🏝️
You can inspect the droid in Star Wars: Squadrons https://t.co/PfvsVKI1J4
@craign471 It was basically this emoji:
@JamesBergCanada Oh man. It is so so good, already. I totally get not wanting to play until 1.0, but I've already had a hard time going back to say DOS2. They've done a stellar job so far.
It's like that episode of The Office where Dwight creates his Second Life character and it's just exactly like him (with the power of flight).
We've just released Hotfix #3 'Theft, Death & Hubris' for Baldur's Gate 3. A number of issues have been addressed in this hotfix, and we've shared a Frankenstein of data. Take a look at the details! https://t.co/mRKUdgOczO
"... as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced."