That's... a lot of ships destroyed. Stellar marksmanship, Pilots. 🎯
Here are some of the milestones #StarWarsSquadrons players have hit in only one week!
@raczilla Emma. March 14th, 2020.
And this is someone who saw probably 1-2 movies a month at Alamo Drafthouse.
I really miss it.
@BokaLaBoca are you okay?
@GamingEthos Well, thanks this is nightmare fuel.
@NostalgicVGEdit @alex_frostwolf Plz tell me you saw this. 😆
@Arekkz @CDPROJEKTRED @CyberpunkGame So cool, man!
@TheKnappen Rotary Cannon is...
@Darkness429 I’m not gonna lie it’s pretty fun
@EAStarWars: Pilots! Learn more about your New Republic squadmates Keo and Frisk in this #StarWarsSquadrons short story, The Light You B…
@bmrobinson The team is aware and investigating, among other things. Thanks for your continued feedback!
@BlondeNerd @Kahjahkins Dogs sometimes get their revenge though when you squish them....
So happy to hear this! 🕹️
@UNTDrew The deadzone fix is a DREAM. Beautiful on PS4. Feels like a whole new game. Thanks Andrew!
Release Notes are live, Pilots! Read up on the latest update for #StarWarsSquadrons below. 📄
Pilots! The latest update for #StarWarsSquadrons is now live. Read more in the Release Notes here:
@JonRenish @EpicGames No shame in not playing everything you claim (I mean, it is free), but some of these are very good games.
@Addison_ATL There will be a client update as well. Notes to follow.
@EAStarWars: Pilots!
We are delaying our temporary server maintenance for #StarWarsSquadrons to begin at ~12:00 PM EDT.
Pilots - Slight change to the timeline below. Our Temporary Maintenance will now begin at ~12:00 PM EDT.
Release notes coming later.
Pilots! #StarWarsSquadrons will be down for maintenance for up to a few hours tomorrow, starting at 8:00 AM EDT. Release notes coming tomorrow.
@EAStarWars: Pilots! #StarWarsSquadrons will be down for maintenance for up to a few hours tomorrow, starting at 8:00 AM EDT. Release no…
Cold open of @nbcsnl has to be from perspective of the fly, staring Chris Kattan. He was born to play this.